

Our applications provide developers with a REST-type API.

It allows you to create automations, or mashup applications composed with apps and other services. For example :

  • Use a desktop app to enter timesheets in a snap

  • Bill directly from your web boutique each time there's a sale

  • Receive a SMS when you reach some sales targets

  • Import contacts automatically from another application

If you create public applications with our APIs please let us know, we'll add your application to our application repository and we'll promote your application.

We edit several applications, each will have different API access policies based on your service plan. Check on our websites to know more. But each will allow you to test some API calls before going to pay mode.

Give us your feedback : If you need more APIs, we'll add more APIs.

Access authentification

Authentication is managed through HTTP Basic Authentication. To use these APIs, you need a server address, a login/password combination. To get them :

  • Login to the application, and go to the Settings/Users and then to the APIs settings panel

  • Activate API access : it will allow your application to respond to XML requests

  • Note the server address : the API server address displayed in the APIs settings panel is the one you need

  • Choose the authorized user account : choose the user account that you want to authorize. The login/password you will use for your API will be these of the user

Should you need it, our servers IP range is : 185.16.44.*


Testing the access

When connected to your application with your browser, go to a contact, and add .xml at the end of the address in the browser. It will return the XML

You can also use curl to test access to the API. Set the 'Content-Type' header to 'application/xml'.

# Try the following to get a list of your contacts, and return a XML-formatted response :

curl -u #{login}:#{password} - X GET \		
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \		

# Note that in the code samples, #{text} indicates a section that has to be replaced by your data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>		
			   <value>01 45 21 28 27</value>

Error management

HTTP Status Code will be returned with the XML response:

  • 200 if all is ok

  • 201 if all is ok and an object was created

  • 404 if the resource couldn't be found

  • 429 API rate limit exceeded

  • 500 if and error happened


API rate limits

When calling the API you must limit you calls to a number of calls per time window. Failure to do so will result in a http 429 error

  • Rate limit per second : 8

  • Rate limit per minute : 240

  • Rate limit per hour : 4800



The following example returns a list of firms :
Note the pagination block providing information about the potential number of pages.

To access the next page, just add the ?page=#{page_number} to your request url.

Date filter

You can filter results by dates using the following three parameters :
• filter_from_date : format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
• filter_to_date : format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
• filter_date_field : date field to use (created_at | updated_at | modified_at | other object date field)

To access the next page, just add the ?filter_from_date=2021-12-01&filter_to_date=2021-12-31&filter_date_field=updated_at to your request url.

curl -u #{login}:#{password} \		
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		  <name>2C Comm</name>

# With no surprise, details on one firm will be requested via the following :

curl -u #{login}:#{password} \		
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
#{server}/firms/#{id of firm}.xml

Creating new objects

Data will be inserted the following way, using the POST action. (Example with a firm)
This returns the newly created object from which you can extract the id.

curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '<firm><name>apitest</name><firm_type>client</firm_type></firm>' \

Updating objects

Data will be inserted the following way, using the PUT action. (Example with a firm)

curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '<firm><name>apitest</name><firm_type>client</firm_type></firm>' \
#{server}/firms/#{id of the object}.xml

Deleting objects

Data will be inserted the following way, using the DELETE action. (Example with a firm)

curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
#{server}/firms/#{id of the object}.xml


Webhooks allow you to build integrations which subscribe to certain events on When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST with JSON data to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to update an external software database, inform partners when orders arrive, send text messages when urgent events occur. The sky is the limit! Webhooks are called asynchronously a few seconds after the event occurrence. You can subscribe to four kinds of events:

  • create : triggered after an object has been created and populated

  • update : triggered after an object has been updated. Event data contains the updated fields, their previous and current value

  • fupdate : triggered after an the field of an object has been updated. Event data contains the previous and current value

  • destroy : triggered after and object has been destroyed

To use webhooks install the Webhooks app and add your callback urls

custom_labels JSON DATA FOR CREATE | DESTROY { "object_action" : "create", # event "object_zname" : "contacts", # object type "object_zid" : 12345, # object id "user_id" : 1000, # user id "business_file_id" : 56789 # customer file id } JSON DATA FOR UPDATE | FUPDATE { "object_action" : "fupdate", # event "object_zname" : "contacts", # object type "object_zid" : 12345, # object id "object_changes" : { # changes to the object "first_name" : { # changes for this field "before" :"Roger", "after" : "Robert" }, "progress_id" : { # changes for this field "before" :"500", "after" : "510" }, }, "user_id" : 1000, # user id "business_file_id" : 56789 # customer file id }

Ruby On Rails

You are using RubyOnRails ? Download here a sample application to play with our APIs.


You are using PHP ? Download here a sample application to play with our APIs.

You build some sample code for other languages ?

Send it to us, we'll integrate it here

Ruby On Rails sample code

To use this API you need :

  • An account

  • On this account, one application Bureau Virtuel, ma-facturation, or gestion-auto-entrepreneur

  • On one of these applications above, you need to activate the APIs in users/api setup

Required info

After the above step, here's the info you must have :

  • The user login and password

  • The server address and file number

  • On one of these applications above, you need to activate the APIs in users/api setup

Try it manually

Here's how to try the APIs manually :

  • Login to your application using a browser, and go to your invoices for example

  • Your current browser address will be something like (Where 10232 will be replaced by your own file number)

  • Add .xml at the end of the URL,

  • As a result you get a paginated list of bills in XML format

  • Another try : go to one of your bills. Your current browser address is close to (Where 10232 will be replaced by your own file number, and 38580 will be replaced by the id of the bill you're looking at)

  • Add .xml at the end of the URL,

  • As a result you get your bill displayed in XML format

Automate it

Now to automate :

  • If you're using a REST based library to access the API, provide server address, login, password, and reproduce the data model of the APis in your app

  • If you're not, and access the server using http calls, you'll have to rebuild the URLs yourself using the above examples.

What's the application store ?

You created a mashup using our applications and other web services ?

A desktop application ?

A mobile application ?

It comes for free ? It has a cost ?

The Application Store is a registry of applications or resources using our services

Send us the details : We'll post your application on our catalog, and advertise it on our community of users !

You have talent ?

You are a talented developer and love our products ?

You would like to build innovative products around our solutions ?

You would like to advertise your services (with a price of course) to build custom applications for other people ?

We have a Registered Developer Program to make your life easier

Why register ?

  • Get access to the developer extranet, with tech updates and information

  • Have faster access to tech support

  • Be listed, if you choose, in the developer's public listing. It may help you find customers interesting in building an app with our API, and ... your skills

  • Promote your app in our application store

How to apply ?

Login to your account


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a contact ?

A contact is a person, with a first name, last name, and contact data (phones, emails, etc). A contact can be linked to a firm.

Getting the contacts list

GET / contacts.xml

Returns all contacts , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • text_search_filter : Wide text search
  • text_search_target : Additional parameter to narrow wide search. Values = { email | first_name | last_name | job | first_last_name | exact_first_last_name | name (company name) | exact_name (company name) }
  • contact_list_id : Get only items in contact list

Getting a single contact

GET / contacts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact identified by its id

Creating a new contact

POST contacts.xml
Creates a new contact , and returns the contactdata

Updating an existing contact

PUT contacts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact

Deleting an existing contact

DELETE contacts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact identified by its id

Possible values of client/firm type

  • client for a client
  • prospect for a prospect
  • supplier for a supplier
  • press for a journalist
  • partner for a partner
  • staff for a staff member or potential member
  • perso for a personal contact
  • other for none of the above

Possible values of civility_label_id

  • 18 : Madame
  • 634 : Mesdames
  • 19 : Mademoiselle
  • 635 : Mesdemoiselles
  • 17 : Mr
  • 636 : Messieurs
  • 752 : Monsieur et Madame
  • 637 : Veuve
  • 638 : Dr
  • 639 : Drs
  • 640 : Professeur
  • 641 : Professeurs
  • 642 : Maitre
  • 643 : Maitres
  • 644 : Monseigneur

Possible values of contact_item_type for contacts

  • 27 : Business email
  • 471 : Tel Pro Standard
  • 24 : Business phone
  • 26 : Business fax
  • 88 : Business mobile
  • 554 : Personal mobile
  • 28 : Personal email
  • 23 : Personal phone
  • 25 : Personal fax
  • 646 : Skype Perso
  • 430 : Skype
  • 200114 : Profil Facebook
  • 200116 : Profil LinkedIn
  • 200117 : Compte Twitter
  • 704786 : WhatsApp
  • 704793 : Viber
  • 704800 : WeChat
  • 704807 : Olvid
  • 704814 : Signal
  • 704821 : Telegram
  • 432 : MSN Messenger
  • 433 : AIM Messenger
  • 431 : Yahoo Messenger
  • 457 : ICQ Messenger
  • 626 : Google Talk
  • 648 : Tel IP Pro
  • 649 : Tel IP Perso
  • 200118 : Profil Google+
  • 200115 : Profil Viadeo
  • 753 : Site Web

Possible values of contact_address_type

  • 21 : Business
  • 20 : Personal
  • 22 : Other

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


  <id>id of contact</id>
  <civility_label_id>civility (see below)</civility_label_id>
  <last_name>last name</last_name>
  <first_name>first name</first_name>
  <job_title>job title</job_title>
  <job_department>department in company</job_department>
  <contact_type>type of contact (see below)</contact_type>
  <firm_id>id of firms the contact belongs to</firm_id>
        <address_type>type of address (see below)</address_type>
        <street_address>street address</street_address>
        <street_address2>more address</street_address2>
        <zip_code>zip code</zip_code>
        <type_id>type of contact_item (see below)</type_id>
        <value>tel, email, etc.</value>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a firm ?

A firm is a company, with a name, some administrative data, and contact info. A firm can contain several contacts.

Getting the firms list

GET / firms.xml

Returns all firms , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • text_search_filter : Wide text search
  • text_search_target : Additional parameter to narrow wide search. Values = { email | first_name | last_name | job | name (company name) | exact_name | siren }
  • contact_list_id : Get only items in contact list

Getting a single firm

GET / firms/#{id}.xml
Returns a single firm identified by its id

Creating a new firm

POST firms.xml
Creates a new firm , and returns the firmdata

Updating an existing firm

PUT firms/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing firm

Deleting an existing firm

DELETE firms/#{id}.xml
Deletes the firm identified by its id

Possible values of client/firm type

  • client for a client
  • prospect for a prospect
  • supplier for a supplier
  • press for a journalist
  • partner for a partner
  • staff for a staff member or potential member
  • perso for a personal contact
  • other for none of the above

Possible values of contact_item_type for firms

  • 71 : Phone
  • 72 : Fax
  • 73 : Email
  • 74 : Website
  • 627 : Skype
  • 200500 : Facebook
  • 200501 : Linkedin
  • 200502 : Twitter
  • 704828 : WhatsApp
  • 704835 : Viber
  • 704842 : WeChat
  • 704849 : Olvid
  • 704856 : Signal
  • 704863 : Telegram
  • 628 : Yahoo Messenger
  • 629 : MSN Messenger
  • 630 : AIM Messenger
  • 631 : ICQ Messenger
  • 200503 : Google+
  • 200504 : Viadeo
  • 647 : IP phone
  • 632 : Google Talk

Possible values of contact_address_type

  • 21 : Business
  • 20 : Personal
  • 22 : Other

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


  <id>id of firm</id>
  <name>name of firm</name>
  <firm_type>type of firm (see below)</firm_type>
  <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
  <siren>company identification number</siren>
  <tva>intra vat number</tva>
        <address_type>type of address (see below)</address_type>
        <street_address>street address</street_address>
        <street_address2>more address</street_address2>
        <zip_code>zip code</zip_code>
        <type_id>type of contact_item (see below)</type_id>
        <value>tel, email, etc.</value>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a lead ?

A lead contains information (amount of sale, signing date, expectations) on a sales prospect or a client, and it's linked to a contact or firm.

Getting the leads list

GET / leads.xml

Returns all leads , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single lead

GET / leads/#{id}.xml
Returns a single lead identified by its id

Creating a new lead

POST leads.xml
Creates a new lead , and returns the leaddata

Updating an existing lead

PUT leads/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing lead

Deleting an existing lead

DELETE leads/#{id}.xml
Deletes the lead identified by its id

Possible values of steps for leads

  • 459 : Project
  • 460 : Analysis
  • 461 : Proposition
  • 462 : Negociation
  • 463 : Expected closing
  • 464 : Production
  • 467 : Exploitation
  • 469 : Served
  • 470 : Lost
  • 535 : Inactive

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


	 <id>id of this object</id>
	 <manager_id>user id of the manager of the lead</manager_id>
	 <client_name>Name of client</client_name>
	 <topic>Topic of this lead</topic>
	 <contact_id>id of related contact (or 0)</firm_id>
	 <firm_id>id of related firm (or 0)</firm_id>
	 <is_engaged>0 for prospect, 1 for customer</is_engaged>
	 <importance>0 not important to 5 most important</importance>
	 <product_category_id>id in your own typology of products you sell</category>
	 <value>amount of sale without taxes</value>
	 <value_date>expected date of signing the sale</value_date>
	 <confidence_pct>percentage of confidence (0-100)</confidence_pct>
	 <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
	 <description>Some description of the lead</description>
	 <learning_on_customer>Some info about the customer (budget, timing, etc.)</learning_on_customer>
	 <learning_on_sales_tools>Some learnings on your own sales tools (website, brochures, etc.)</learning_on_sales_tools>
	 <learning_on_products>Some learnings on your products (too expensive, etc.)</learning_on_products>

Contact items

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What’s a contact_item?

A contact_item is a coordinate of a contact or firm (email, phone, fax etc).

Getting the contact_addresses list

GET / contact_addresses.xml

Returns all contact_addresses , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single contact_address

GET / contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_address identified by its id

Creating a new contact_address

POST contact_addresses.xml
Creates a new contact_address , and returns the contact_addressdata

Updating an existing contact_address

PUT contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_address

Deleting an existing contact_address

DELETE contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_address identified by its id

Possible values of contact_item_type for contacts

  • 27 : Business email
  • 471 : Tel Pro Standard
  • 24 : Business phone
  • 26 : Business fax
  • 88 : Business mobile
  • 554 : Personal mobile
  • 28 : Personal email
  • 23 : Personal phone
  • 25 : Personal fax
  • 646 : Skype Perso
  • 430 : Skype
  • 200114 : Profil Facebook
  • 200116 : Profil LinkedIn
  • 200117 : Compte Twitter
  • 704786 : WhatsApp
  • 704793 : Viber
  • 704800 : WeChat
  • 704807 : Olvid
  • 704814 : Signal
  • 704821 : Telegram
  • 432 : MSN Messenger
  • 433 : AIM Messenger
  • 431 : Yahoo Messenger
  • 457 : ICQ Messenger
  • 626 : Google Talk
  • 648 : Tel IP Pro
  • 649 : Tel IP Perso
  • 200118 : Profil Google+
  • 200115 : Profil Viadeo
  • 753 : Site Web

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<contact_id>id of contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of firm</firm_id>
<type_id>type of contact item</type_id>
<value>email or phone</value>

Contact addresses

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What’s a contact_address?

A contact_address is the address of a contact or firm.

Getting the contact_items list

GET / contact_items.xml

Returns all contact_items , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single contact_item

GET / contact_items/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_item identified by its id

Creating a new contact_item

POST contact_items.xml
Creates a new contact_item , and returns the contact_itemdata

Updating an existing contact_item

PUT contact_items/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_item

Deleting an existing contact_item

DELETE contact_items/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_item identified by its id

Possible values of contact_item_type for contacts

  • 27 : Business email
  • 471 : Tel Pro Standard
  • 24 : Business phone
  • 26 : Business fax
  • 88 : Business mobile
  • 554 : Personal mobile
  • 28 : Personal email
  • 23 : Personal phone
  • 25 : Personal fax
  • 646 : Skype Perso
  • 430 : Skype
  • 200114 : Profil Facebook
  • 200116 : Profil LinkedIn
  • 200117 : Compte Twitter
  • 704786 : WhatsApp
  • 704793 : Viber
  • 704800 : WeChat
  • 704807 : Olvid
  • 704814 : Signal
  • 704821 : Telegram
  • 432 : MSN Messenger
  • 433 : AIM Messenger
  • 431 : Yahoo Messenger
  • 457 : ICQ Messenger
  • 626 : Google Talk
  • 648 : Tel IP Pro
  • 649 : Tel IP Perso
  • 200118 : Profil Google+
  • 200115 : Profil Viadeo
  • 753 : Site Web

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<contact_id>id of contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of firm</firm_id>
<country>the country</country>
<city>the city</city>
<zip_code>the zip code</zip_code>
<street_address>the street address</street_address>

Contact lists

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a Contact_list ?

A contact_list is a list of contacts and firms

Getting the contact_lists list

GET / contact_lists.xml

Returns all contact_lists , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single contact_list

GET / contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_list identified by its id

Creating a new contact_list

POST contact_lists.xml
Creates a new contact_list , and returns the contact_listdata

Updating an existing contact_list

PUT contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_list

Deleting an existing contact_list

DELETE contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_list identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


      <name>name of the list</name>
      <description>some description</description>

Contact List Item

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a contact_list_item ?

A contact_list_item is an element of a contact_list

Getting a single contact_list_item

GET / contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_list_item identified by its id

Creating a new contact_list_item

POST contact_list_items.xml
Creates a new contact_list_item , and returns the contact_list_itemdata

Updating an existing contact_list_item

PUT contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_list_item

Deleting an existing contact_list_item

DELETE contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_list_item identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


    <contact_list_id>id of contact list</contact_list_id>
    <contact_id>id of contact or firm</contact_id>
    <email_id>id of contact's email (contact_item)</email_id>
    <phone_id>id of contact's phone (contact_item)</phone_id>
    <address_id>id of contact's email (contact_address)</address_id>
    <kind>contact | firm</kind>

Catalog of products

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a customer product ?

A customer_product is an item from the catalog of products you sell to customers, or you buy from vendors, or both.

Getting the products list

GET / customer_products.xml

Returns all products , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • is_from_vendor : Additional parameter to narrow search.
    Values = { 0 .. 6 }
    • 0 = only in sale catalog
    • 1 = only in vendor catalog
    • 2 = in sale & vendor catalogs
    • 3 = only in manufactured catalog
    • 4 = in manufactured & sale catalogs
    • 5 = in manufactured & vendor catalogs
    • 6 = in all catalogs

Getting a single product

GET / customer_products/#{id}.xml
Returns a single product identified by its id

Creating a new product

POST customer_products.xml
Creates a new product , and returns the productdata

Updating an existing product

PUT customer_products/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing product

Deleting an existing product

DELETE customer_products/#{id}.xml
Deletes the product identified by its id

Possible values of type_of_product_id

  • 20000 forGood
  • 20001 forRaw material
  • 20002 forConsummable
  • 20003 forSemi-finished
  • 20004 forProduct
  • 20005 forInvestment

Possible values of activity_classification_choice

  • for a product :
    • commerce : product
  • for a service :
    • service : generic service
    • service_bnc : service of kind bnc
    • liberal : service of kind liberal
    • mixte : service of composit kind

Possible values of manage_serial_lots_out_order

  • 0 if FIFO
  • 1 if LIFO
  • 2 if FIFV : increasing peremption date
  • 3 if LIFV : decreasing peremption date

Possible values of manage_serial_numbers_out_order

  • 0 if FIFO
  • 1 if LIFO

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of currency_id

  • 58 for Euros
  • 576 for Dollars canadien
  • 577 for Francs suisses
  • 579 for Dinars tunisiens
  • 580 for Dirhams marocains
  • 578 for Dinars algériens
  • 59 for Dollars
  • 60 for Livres sterling
  • 608 for Francs pacifique
  • 611 for Francs CFA
  • 868 for Dirham des E.A.U.
  • 869 for Afghani
  • 870 for Lek
  • 871 for Dram arménien
  • 872 for Florin des Antilles Néerlandaises
  • 873 for Kwanza
  • 874 for Peso argentin
  • 875 for Dollar australien
  • 876 for Dollar australien
  • 877 for Florin d'Aruba
  • 878 for Nouveau Manat
  • 879 for Mark convertible
  • 880 for Dollar de Barbade
  • 881 for Taka
  • 882 for Lev
  • 883 for Dinar de Bahrein
  • 884 for Franc du Burundi
  • 885 for Dollar des Bermudes
  • 886 for Dollar de Brunei
  • 887 for Boliviano
  • 888 for Real
  • 889 for Dollar des Bahamas
  • 890 for Ngultrum
  • 891 for Pula
  • 892 for Rouble de Bélarus
  • 893 for Dollar de Belize
  • 894 for Franc congolais
  • 895 for Peso chilien
  • 896 for Yuan Ren-Min-Bi
  • 897 for Peso colombien
  • 898 for Colon de Costa Rica
  • 899 for Peso cubain
  • 900 for Escudo du Cap Vert
  • 901 for Couronne tchèque
  • 902 for Franc de Djibouti
  • 903 for Couronne danoise
  • 904 for Peso dominicain
  • 905 for Couronne estonienne
  • 906 for Livre égyptienne
  • 907 for Nakfa
  • 908 for Birr éthiopien
  • 909 for Dollar de Fidji
  • 910 for Lari
  • 911 for Ghana Cedi
  • 912 for Livre de Gibraltar
  • 913 for Dalasi
  • 914 for Franc guinéen
  • 915 for Quetzal
  • 916 for Peso de Guinée Bissau
  • 917 for Dollar de Guyane
  • 918 for Dollar de Hong Kong
  • 919 for Lempira
  • 920 for Kuna
  • 921 for Gourde
  • 922 for Forint
  • 923 for Rupiah
  • 924 for Nouveau sheqel israélien
  • 925 for Roupie indienne
  • 926 for Dinar irakien
  • 927 for Rial iranien
  • 928 for Couronne islandaise
  • 929 for Dollar jamaïcain
  • 930 for Dinar jordanien
  • 931 for Yen
  • 932 for Shilling du Kenya
  • 933 for Som
  • 934 for Riel
  • 935 for Franc des Comores
  • 936 for Won
  • 937 for Dinar koweitien
  • 938 for Dollar des Iles Cayman
  • 939 for Tenge
  • 940 for Kip
  • 941 for Livre libanaise
  • 942 for Roupie de Sri Lanka
  • 943 for Dollar libérien
  • 944 for Loti
  • 945 for Litas lituanien
  • 946 for Lats letton
  • 947 for Dinar libyen
  • 948 for Leu de Moldovie
  • 949 for Malagasy Ariary
  • 950 for Denar
  • 951 for Kyat
  • 952 for Tugrik
  • 953 for Pataca
  • 954 for Ouguija
  • 955 for Roupie de Maurice
  • 956 for Rufiyaa
  • 957 for Kwacha
  • 958 for Peso mexicain
  • 959 for Ringgit malaysien
  • 960 for Metical
  • 961 for Dollar Namibien
  • 962 for Naira
  • 963 for Cordoba Oro
  • 964 for Couronne norvégienne
  • 965 for Roupie népalaise
  • 966 for Dollar néo-zélandais
  • 967 for Rial omani
  • 968 for Balboa
  • 969 for Nuevo Sol
  • 970 for Kina
  • 971 for Peso philippin
  • 972 for Roupie du Pakistan
  • 973 for Zloty
  • 974 for Guarani
  • 975 for Riyal du Qatar
  • 976 for Leu Roumain
  • 977 for Dinar Serbe
  • 978 for Rouble russe
  • 979 for Franc rwandais
  • 980 for Riyal saoudien
  • 981 for Roupie des Seychelles
  • 982 for Livre soudanais
  • 983 for Couronne suédoise
  • 984 for Dollar de Singapour
  • 985 for Leone
  • 986 for Shilling de Somalie
  • 987 for Dollar de Suriname
  • 988 for Dobra
  • 989 for Colon du El Salvador
  • 990 for Livre syrienne
  • 991 for lilangeni
  • 992 for Baht
  • 993 for Somoni
  • 994 for Manat
  • 995 for Pa'anga
  • 996 for Nouvelle Livre turque
  • 620081 for Dollar de Taiwan
  • 997 for Dollar de Trinité et Tobago
  • 998 for Shilling de Tanzanie
  • 999 for Hryvnia
  • 1000 for Shilling ougandais
  • 1001 for Peso uruguayen
  • 1002 for Soum d'Ouzbékistan
  • 1003 for Bolívar Fuerte
  • 1004 for Dong
  • 1005 for Franc CFA - BEAC
  • 1006 for Dollar des Caraïbes Orientales
  • 1007 for Franc CFA - BCEAO
  • 1008 for Rial yéménite
  • 1009 for Rand
  • 1010 for Kwacha
  • 1011 for Dollar de Zimbabwe
  • 705355 for BTC
  • 705362 for ETH - Réseau Ethereum
  • 705376 for USDC - Réseau Ethereum
  • 705383 for USDT - Réseau Ethereum
  • 705390 for BUSD - Réseau BSC
  • 705397 for DAI - Réseau Ethereum
  • 705404 for EURT - Réseau Ethereum

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of product</id>
<reference>reference for sale</reference>
<vendor_reference>reference for purchase</vendor_reference>
<is_active>product is active ? 0 | 1</is_active>
<is_from_vendor>which catalog ? 0=sale | 1=vendor | 2=both</is_from_vendor>
<name>product name for sale</name>
<name_vendor>product name for purchase</name_vendor>
<additional_public_infos>public description</additional_public_infos>
<description>private description</description>
<additional_public_infos_vendor>public description from vendor</additional_public_infos_vendor>
<description_vendor>private descriptor from vendor</description_vendor>
<type_of_product_id>type of product (see below)</type_of_product_id>
<activity_classification_choice>is product or service</activity_classification_choice>
<link_to_product>link to product</link_to_product>
<link_text>name for link to product</link_text>
<currency_id>currency of sale price</currency_id>
<cost_currency_id>currenty of purchase cost</cost_currency_id>
<product_category_id>ID of customer_product_category object</product_category_id>
<price>sale price of product</price>
<price_distributor>sale price of product for distributors</price_distributor>
<eco_participation>eco participation</eco_participation>
<unit_vendor>unit for purchase</unit_vendor>
<vat_id>product vat</vat_id>
<cost>cost of purchase</cost>
<weight_kg>weight in weight_kg_unit</weight_kg>
<alert_stock>alert stock for the product</alert_stock>
<total_stock>current total stock</total_stock>
<enter_prices_in_ttc>prices should be entered in ttc ? 0 | 1</enter_prices_in_ttc>
<entered_price_in_ttc>ttc price that was entered</entered_price_in_ttc>
<entered_price_distributor_in_ttc>ttc price that was entered for distributors</entered_price_distributor_in_ttc>
<compound_product>product is made of sub-products ? 0 | 1</compound_product>
<compound_product_stock_method>method of stock movements ? 0:move products 1:move components</compound_product_stock_method>
<accounting_ref>accounting ref of product</accounting_ref>
<barcode>product barcode</barcode>
<manage_serial_lots>product has lots management</manage_serial_lots>
<manage_serial_lots_out_order>lots ordering (see below)</manage_serial_lots_out_order>
<manage_serial_numbers>product has serial number management</manage_serial_numbers>
<manage_serial_numbers_out_order>serial numbers ordering (see below)</manage_serial_numbers_out_order>
<dimension_height>height of product</dimension_height>
<dimension_width>width of product</dimension_width>
<dimension_depth>depth of product</dimension_depth>
<duration>product required duration</duration>
<duration_unit_id>530=hour | 531=halfday</duration_unit_id>
<volume>volume of unit</volume>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a customer proposal ?

An proposal (we call it a proposal sheet) represents a quotation your make for your prospects and clients.

Getting the proposals list

GET / proposal_sheets.xml

Returns all proposals , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • contact_id : search by contact
  • firm_id : search by firm

Getting a single proposal

GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single proposal identified by its id

Creating a new proposal

POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new proposal , and returns the proposaldata

Updating an existing proposal

PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing proposal

Deleting an existing proposal

DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the proposal identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of proposal progress

  • 555 for Draft
  • 704627 for Ready to send
  • 556 for Sent
  • 557 for Accepted
  • 558 for Refused
  • 559 for Suspended
  • 620105 for Done

Possible values of proposal sheet type

  • proposal for a proposal you send to your customers (you propose)
  • delivery_note for a delivery note you send to your customers (you deliver)
  • purchase_order for a purchase order you send to your vendors (you order)
  • production_order for an internal production order
  • insertion_order for an insertion order you send to your customers
  • sale_order for an sale order (confirmation of customer order)
  • intervention_sheet for an intervention sheet
  • loan_receipt for a loan receipt
  • price_quote for a price quote
  • delegated_invoice for a delegated invoice

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


   <id>id of proposal</id>
   <sheet_type>proposal or other document (see below)</sheet_type>
   <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id>
   <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id>
   <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id>
   <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposal</bank_account_id>
   <reference>reference of proposal (automatic)</reference>
   <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date>
   <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent>
   <vat_value_id>vat code id (see below)</vat_value_id>
   <vat_cost>vat value</vat_cost>
   <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost>
   <vat_exl_total>total of proposal without vat</vat_exl_total>
   <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total>
   <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposal without vat with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping>
   <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address>
   <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name>
   <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code>
   <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city>
   <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address>
   <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name>
   <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code>
   <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city>
   <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party>
   <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text>
   <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>
   <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
   <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show>
   <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date>
         <description>description of line</description>	
         <description_more>more description of line</description_more>	
        <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id>	
         <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price>	
         <total_price>total line price</total_price>	
         <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id>	
         <vat_value>value of vat</vat_value>	
         <ordering>ordering index</ordering>	

Sale orders

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a sale order ?

An sale order (it is a proposal sheet of a certain kind) represents a sale confirmation to a customer.

Getting the sale orders list

GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=sale_order

Returns all sale orders , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • contact_id : search by contact
  • firm_id : search by firm

Getting a single sale order

GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single sale order identified by its id

Creating a new sale order

POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new sale order , and returns the sale orderdata

Updating an existing sale order

PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing sale order

Deleting an existing sale order

DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the sale order identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of proposal progress

  • 555 for Draft
  • 704627 for Ready to send
  • 556 for Sent
  • 557 for Accepted
  • 558 for Refused
  • 559 for Suspended
  • 620105 for Done

Possible values of proposal sheet type

  • proposal for a proposal you send to your customers (you propose)
  • delivery_note for a delivery note you send to your customers (you deliver)
  • purchase_order for a purchase order you send to your vendors (you order)
  • production_order for an internal production order
  • insertion_order for an insertion order you send to your customers
  • sale_order for an sale order (confirmation of customer order)
  • intervention_sheet for an intervention sheet
  • loan_receipt for a loan receipt
  • price_quote for a price quote
  • delegated_invoice for a delegated invoice

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


   <id>id of proposal</id>
   <sheet_type>proposal or other document (see below)</sheet_type>
   <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id>
   <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id>
   <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id>
   <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposal</bank_account_id>
   <reference>reference of proposal (automatic)</reference>
   <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date>
   <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent>
   <vat_value_id>vat code id (see below)</vat_value_id>
   <vat_cost>vat value</vat_cost>
   <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost>
   <vat_exl_total>total of proposal without vat</vat_exl_total>
   <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total>
   <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposal without vat with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping>
   <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address>
   <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name>
   <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code>
   <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city>
   <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address>
   <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name>
   <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code>
   <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city>
   <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party>
   <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text>
   <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>
   <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
   <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show>
   <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date>
         <description>description of line</description>	
         <description_more>more description of line</description_more>	
        <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id>	
         <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price>	
         <total_price>total line price</total_price>	
         <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id>	
         <vat_value>value of vat</vat_value>	
         <ordering>ordering index</ordering>	

Customer pricings

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What's a customer pricing

A customer_pricing defines a special pricing for a product and a customer

Getting the customer pricings list

GET / customer_pricings.xml

Returns all customer pricings , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single customer pricing

GET / customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Returns a single customer pricing identified by its id

Creating a new customer pricing

POST customer_pricings.xml
Creates a new customer pricing , and returns the customer pricingdata

Updating an existing customer pricing

PUT customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing customer pricing

Deleting an existing customer pricing

DELETE customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Deletes the customer pricing identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of this object</id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<supplier_id>id of party contact</supplier_firm_id>
<supplier_firm_id>id of party firm</supplier_firm_id>
<price_ht>price without taxes</price_ht>
<vat_id>vat id</vat_id>

Vendor pricings

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What's a vendor pricing

A vendor_pricing defines a special pricing for a product and a vendor

Getting the vendor pricings list

GET / vendor_pricings.xml

Returns all vendor pricings , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single vendor pricing

GET / vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Returns a single vendor pricing identified by its id

Creating a new vendor pricing

POST vendor_pricings.xml
Creates a new vendor pricing , and returns the vendor pricingdata

Updating an existing vendor pricing

PUT vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing vendor pricing

Deleting an existing vendor pricing

DELETE vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Deletes the vendor pricing identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

#Object Data

voir la référence


<id>id of this object</id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<supplier_id>id of party contact</supplier_firm_id>
<supplier_firm_id>id of party firm</supplier_firm_id>
<price_ht>price without taxes</price_ht>
<vat_id>vat id</vat_id>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is an invoice ?

An invoice (we call it a bill sheet) represents the document your company emits to bill a product or service sale to a customer.

Getting the invoices list

GET / bill_sheets.xml

Returns all invoices , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • contact_id : search by contact
  • firm_id : search by firm
  • project_id : search by project
  • lead_id : search by lead
  • from_date : returns items with date after or equal to date. format %e/%m/%Y
  • to_date : returns items with date before or equal to date. format %e/%m/%Y

Getting a single invoice

GET / bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single invoice identified by its id

Creating a new invoice

POST bill_sheets.xml
Creates a new invoice , and returns the invoicedata

Updating an existing invoice

PUT bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing invoice

Deleting an existing invoice

DELETE bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the invoice identified by its id

Sending an invoice by email

GET /bill_sheets/email/#{id}.xml
Generates the invoice PDF, and delivers it to the contact email.
curl -u LOGIN:PWD

Getting an invoice PDF

GET /bill_sheets/print/#{id}.xml
Generates the invoice PDF, attaches it to the object, and returns it.
curl -u LOGIN:PWD

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of bill progress

  • 617 : Draft
  • 701872 : Ready to send
  • 619 : Sent to customer
  • 618 : Done

Possible values of bill sheet type

  • invoice if the sheet is for an invoice
  • credit if the sheet is for a credit
  • invoice_maybe if the sheet is for an invoice to confirm
  • credit_maybe if the sheet is for a credit to confirm

Possible values of cash_deposits/kind

  • plan for an deposit date agreed in sales conditions
  • deposit for a real deposit
  • account_value for a bank account situation
  • prevision for a prevision of expected cash deposit
  • pref_client for a preferred deposit condition related to a customer
  • pref_vendor for a preferred deposit condition related to a vendor

Possible values of cash_deposits/deposit_date_model

  • 10000 : Immediate
  • 700237 : On receipt of invoice
  • 20007 : Order day
  • 701487 : Up front
  • 20008 : On delivery
  • 500035 : On delivery
  • 620106 : On installation
  • 701227 : On start
  • 700168 : Before shipment
  • 704717 : Before withdrawal
  • 620083 : Net 8 days
  • 701342 : End of month
  • 701232 : 10 days end of month
  • 610181 : Net 15 days
  • 706055 : Net 20 days
  • 705285 : Net 21 days
  • 706062 : Net 25 days
  • 10001 : Net 30 days
  • 10002 : 30 days end of month
  • 10004 : 30 days end of month the 10th
  • 700652 : 30 days end of month the 15th
  • 705369 : 30 days from billing date
  • 701907 : 30 days on receipt of invoice
  • 704646 : 30 days on delivery date
  • 705411 : 30 days from decade end
  • 21070 : 35 days from billing date
  • 20006 : Net 45 days
  • 200019 : 45 days end of month
  • 702102 : 45 days end of month the 10th
  • 700470 : 45 days end of month the 15th
  • 700455 : 45 days from billing date
  • 701197 : Net 50 days
  • 701517 : 55 days from billing date
  • 10003 : Net 60 days
  • 10024 : 60 days end of month
  • 10025 : 60 days end of month the 10th
  • 705488 : 60 days from billing date
  • 701902 : Net 75 days
  • 700174 : Net 90 days
  • 700308 : Net 90 days
  • 701112 : On situation
  • 702991 : Net 120 days
  • 702510 : Net 10 days
  • 702515 : On service
  • 700416 : 1 of the month
  • 700389 : 2 of the month
  • 700392 : 3 of the month
  • 700398 : 4 of the month
  • 700407 : 5 of the month
  • 700404 : 6 of the month
  • 700413 : 7 of the month
  • 700419 : 8 of the month
  • 700422 : 9 of the month
  • 700425 : 10 of the month
  • 700410 : 11 of the month
  • 700494 : 12 of the month
  • 700497 : 13 of the month
  • 700503 : 14 of the month
  • 700509 : 15 of the month
  • 700515 : 16 of the month
  • 700521 : 17 of the month
  • 700518 : 18 of the month
  • 700512 : 19 of the month
  • 700506 : 20 of the month
  • 700539 : 21 of the month
  • 700524 : 22 of the month
  • 700527 : 23 of the month
  • 700533 : 24 of the month
  • 700530 : 25 of the month
  • 700536 : 26 of the month
  • 700500 : 27 of the month
  • 700542 : 28 of the month
  • 700545 : 29 of the month
  • 700551 : 30 of the month
  • 700548 : 31 of the month
  • 700611 : On agreed agenda

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


  <sheet_type>invoice or credit note (see below)</sheet_type>
  <sheet_subtype>0 for invoice or 1 for fees</sheet_subtype>
  <progress_id>id of bill progress (see below)</progress_id>
  <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
  <reference>reference of invoice (automatic)</reference>
  <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id>
  <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id>
  <title>title of invoice</title>
  <subtitle>subtitle of invoice</subtitle>
  <billing_date>billing date (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date>
  <vat_value_id>vat code id (see below)</vat_value_id>
  <vat_cost>vat value</vat_cost>
  <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost>
  <vat_exl_total>total of invoice without vat</vat_exl_total>
  <vat_inc_total>total of invoice with vat</vat_inc_total>
  <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of invoice without vat with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping>
  <bank_account_id>related bank account</bank_account_id>
  <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address>
  <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name>
  <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code>
  <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city>
  <billing_add_country>billing address country</billing_add_country>
  <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address>
  <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name>
  <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code>
  <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city>
  <shipping_add_country>shipping address country</shipping_add_country>
  <lead_id>related to lead file</lead_id>
  <projec_id>related to project</projec_id>
  <reduction_percent>global percent of reduction</reduction_percent>
  <partial_bill_percent>partial billing (100 for total bill)</partial_bill_percent>
  <late_penalty_show>should display late penalty (0 or 1)</late_penalty_show>
  <early_gain_show>should display early payment credit (0 or 1)</early_gain_show>
        <description>description of line</description>	
        <description_more>more description of line</description_more>	
        <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id>	
        <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price>	
        <total_price>total line price</total_price>	
        <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id>	
        <vat_value>value of vat</vat_value>	
        <ordering>ordering index</ordering>	
      <kind>type of deposit (see below)</kind>
      <direction>in | out</direction>
      <payer_staff_id>id of paying staff</payer_staff_id>
      <bank_reconciled>seen on bank account : 0 | 1</bank_reconciled>
      <deposit_date_model_id>date calculation model (see below)</deposit_date_model_id>
      <account_date>date, format : 01-07-2013</account_date>

Cash deposits

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What’s a custom label ?

A cash deposit is a movement of money IN or OUT of your bank account. It's related to a sale via a bill sheet, or a purchase via an emitted payment. It can be a real movement, a movement agreed in sales conditions, or a prevision of the movement.

Getting the cash deposits list

GET / cash deposits.xml

Returns all cash deposits , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • what : Additional parameter to narrow search.
    Values = { bill_sheets | emitted_payments | plan | account_value | prevision }
    • bill_sheets = encaissements
    • emitted_payments = décaissements
    • plan = échéances
    • account_value = situation du compte
    • prevision = prévisionnel

Getting a single cash deposit

GET / cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Returns a single cash deposit identified by its id

Creating a new cash deposit

POST cash deposits.xml
Creates a new cash deposit , and returns the cash depositdata

Updating an existing cash deposit

PUT cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing cash deposit

Deleting an existing cash deposit

DELETE cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Deletes the cash deposit identified by its id

Possible values of cash_deposits/kind

  • plan for an deposit date agreed in sales conditions
  • deposit for a real deposit
  • account_value for a bank account situation
  • prevision for a prevision of expected cash deposit
  • pref_client for a preferred deposit condition related to a customer
  • pref_vendor for a preferred deposit condition related to a vendor

Possible values of cash_deposits/sheet_name

  • bill_sheets when the movement is attached to a bill
  • emitted_payments when the movement is attached to a purchase
  • proposal_sheets when the movement is attached to a proposal or other
  • contacts when the movement is attached to a contact
  • firms when the movement is attached to a firm
  • leads when the movement is attached to a lead
  • other when the movement is attached to nothing

Possible values of payment type

  • 55 for Check (check)
  • 56 for Credit card (card)
  • 702630 for Contactless card (contactless_card)
  • 704577 for By installments card (card_multiple)
  • 706292 for Card on the phone (card_by_phone)
  • 57 for Cash (cash)
  • 706027 for Administrative mandate (admin_mandate)
  • 265 for Wire transfer (wire)
  • 370 for Coupon (promo)
  • 532 for TIP (tip)
  • 574 for Direct debit (prelevement)
  • 621 for Traite (traite)
  • 200037 for Mandate (mandat)
  • 622 for Letter of change (change_letter)
  • 706034 for Letter of credit (credit_letter)
  • 702057 for Letter of change LCRa (change_letter_lcr)
  • 702072 for Letter of change LCRna (change_letter_lcrna)
  • 702077 for Promissory note statement (billet_order)
  • 624 for PayPal (paypal)
  • 701092 for iZettle (izettle)
  • 702277 for SumUp (sumup)
  • 702625 for Alipay (alipay)
  • 702610 for Stripe (stripe)
  • 704724 for Stripe Terminal (stripe_terminal)
  • 702685 for Amex (amex)
  • 704557 for Amex (payplug)
  • 704562 for Amex (paytweak)
  • 625 for Service Check (service_check)
  • 500042 for Holiday Check (holiday_check)
  • 20009 for Ticket Restaurant (meal_check)
  • 704572 for TRD - Titre Restaurant Dématérialisé (meal_demat)
  • 1020 for Compensation (compensation)
  • 620099 for Credit note (credit)
  • 702620 for Gift check (gift_check)
  • 706341 for Gift card (gift_card)
  • 700641 for Against reimbursement (cash_on_delivery)
  • 701287 for Goods recovery (merch_return)
  • 702302 for Withholding (source)
  • 702312 for Loyalty Card (Loyalty)
  • 702450 for Employer Contribution (employer_contrib)
  • 702530 for Customer Account (cust_account)

Possible values of cash_deposits/deposit_date_model

  • 10000 : Immediate
  • 700237 : On receipt of invoice
  • 20007 : Order day
  • 701487 : Up front
  • 20008 : On delivery
  • 500035 : On delivery
  • 620106 : On installation
  • 701227 : On start
  • 700168 : Before shipment
  • 704717 : Before withdrawal
  • 620083 : Net 8 days
  • 701342 : End of month
  • 701232 : 10 days end of month
  • 610181 : Net 15 days
  • 706055 : Net 20 days
  • 705285 : Net 21 days
  • 706062 : Net 25 days
  • 10001 : Net 30 days
  • 10002 : 30 days end of month
  • 10004 : 30 days end of month the 10th
  • 700652 : 30 days end of month the 15th
  • 705369 : 30 days from billing date
  • 701907 : 30 days on receipt of invoice
  • 704646 : 30 days on delivery date
  • 705411 : 30 days from decade end
  • 21070 : 35 days from billing date
  • 20006 : Net 45 days
  • 200019 : 45 days end of month
  • 702102 : 45 days end of month the 10th
  • 700470 : 45 days end of month the 15th
  • 700455 : 45 days from billing date
  • 701197 : Net 50 days
  • 701517 : 55 days from billing date
  • 10003 : Net 60 days
  • 10024 : 60 days end of month
  • 10025 : 60 days end of month the 10th
  • 705488 : 60 days from billing date
  • 701902 : Net 75 days
  • 700174 : Net 90 days
  • 700308 : Net 90 days
  • 701112 : On situation
  • 702991 : Net 120 days
  • 702510 : Net 10 days
  • 702515 : On service
  • 700416 : 1 of the month
  • 700389 : 2 of the month
  • 700392 : 3 of the month
  • 700398 : 4 of the month
  • 700407 : 5 of the month
  • 700404 : 6 of the month
  • 700413 : 7 of the month
  • 700419 : 8 of the month
  • 700422 : 9 of the month
  • 700425 : 10 of the month
  • 700410 : 11 of the month
  • 700494 : 12 of the month
  • 700497 : 13 of the month
  • 700503 : 14 of the month
  • 700509 : 15 of the month
  • 700515 : 16 of the month
  • 700521 : 17 of the month
  • 700518 : 18 of the month
  • 700512 : 19 of the month
  • 700506 : 20 of the month
  • 700539 : 21 of the month
  • 700524 : 22 of the month
  • 700527 : 23 of the month
  • 700533 : 24 of the month
  • 700530 : 25 of the month
  • 700536 : 26 of the month
  • 700500 : 27 of the month
  • 700542 : 28 of the month
  • 700545 : 29 of the month
  • 700551 : 30 of the month
  • 700548 : 31 of the month
  • 700611 : On agreed agenda

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>the id</id>
<kind>kind of deposit, see values below</kind>
<sheet_name>the type of object this deposit is attached to</sheet_name>
<sheet_id>the id of object this deposit is attached to</sheet_name>
<direction>in | out</direction>
<payment_type_id>mean of payment, see values below</payment_type_id>
<payment_type_info>additional info on payment type (example : check number)</payment_type_info>
<payer_staff_id>id of payer staff_member</payer_staff_id>
<bank_reconciled>seen on account ? 0 | 1</bank_reconciled>
<contact_id>id of related contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of related firm</firm_id>
<amount_ttc>amount with taxes</amount_ttc>
<bank_account_id>ID of bank account</bank_account_id>
<deposit_date_model_id>Date calculation model, see values below</deposit_date_model_id>
<sheet_reason>Additional infos</sheet_reason>

Bank account

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a bank account ?

It contains all your bank information

Getting the bank accounts list

GET / bank_accounts.xml

Returns all bank accounts , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single bank account

GET / bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single bank account identified by its id

Creating a new bank account

POST bank_accounts.xml
Creates a new bank account , and returns the bank accountdata

Updating an existing bank account

PUT bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing bank account

Deleting an existing bank account

DELETE bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the bank account identified by its id

#Object Data

     <id>id of this object</id>
     <name>your name for this bank account</name>
     <bank_name>name of bank</bank_name>
     <bank_code>code of bank</bank_code>
     <bank_desk>number of branch</bank_desk>
     <bank_account>your account</bank_account>
     <bank_key>your account key</bank_key>
     <bank_iban>your account iban code</bank_iban>
     <bank_bic>your account bics code</bank_bic>
     <bank_dom>name of branch</bank_dom>
     <street_address>address of branch</street_address>
     <street_address2>address of branch</street_address2>
     <zip_code>zip of branch</zip_code>
     <city>city of branch</city>

Pruchase bills

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a purchase bill ?

An purchase bill (we call it an emitted payment) represents the document your company records when purchasing a past or future product or service from a vendor.

Getting the purchase bills list

GET / emitted_payments.xml

Returns all purchase bills , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single purchase bill

GET / emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Returns a single purchase bill identified by its id

Creating a new purchase bill

POST emitted_payments.xml
Creates a new purchase bill , and returns the purchase billdata

Updating an existing purchase bill

PUT emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing purchase bill

Deleting an existing purchase bill

DELETE emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Deletes the purchase bill identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of purchase</id>
     <title>purchase details</title>
     <supplier_id>id of attached contact (0 if not attached to contact)</supplier_id>
     <supplier_firm_id>id of attached firm (0 if not attached to firm)</supplier_firm_id>
     <supplier_name>name of supplier if not attached</supplier_name>
     <payment_date>date of purchase commitment (DD-MM-YYYY)</payment_date>
     <bill_reference>reference of vendor bill</bill_reference>
     <amount>amount of purchase with VAT</amount>
     <vat_value_id>vat id (see below)</vat_value_id>
     <vat_value>vat value</vat_value>
     <payed_amount>paid amount today</payed_amount>
     <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
     <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>

Pruchase orders

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a purchase order ?

An purchase order (it is a proposal sheet of a certain kind) represents a purchase order you send to vendors

Getting the purchase orders list

GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=purchase_order

Returns all purchase orders , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • contact_id : search by contact
  • firm_id : search by firm

Getting a single purchase order

GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single purchase order identified by its id

Creating a new purchase order

POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new purchase order , and returns the purchase orderdata

Updating an existing purchase order

PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing purchase order

Deleting an existing purchase order

DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the purchase order identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of proposal progress

  • 560 for Draft
  • 561 for Ok to order
  • 568 for Not ok to order
  • 562 for Sent to vendor
  • 700012 for Part received
  • 563 for Received
  • 564 for Done

Possible values of proposal sheet type

  • proposal for a proposal you send to your customers (you propose)
  • delivery_note for a delivery note you send to your customers (you deliver)
  • purchase_order for a purchase order you send to your vendors (you order)
  • production_order for an internal production order
  • insertion_order for an insertion order you send to your customers
  • sale_order for an sale order (confirmation of customer order)
  • intervention_sheet for an intervention sheet
  • loan_receipt for a loan receipt
  • price_quote for a price quote
  • delegated_invoice for a delegated invoice

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of proposal</id>
     <sheet_type>proposal or other document (see below)</sheet_type>
     <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id>
     <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id>
     <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id>
     <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposal</bank_account_id>
     <reference>reference of proposal (automatic)</reference>
     <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date>
     <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent>
     <vat_value_id>vat code id (see below)</vat_value_id>
     <vat_cost>vat value</vat_cost>
     <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost>
     <vat_exl_total>total of proposal without vat</vat_exl_total>
     <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total>
     <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposal without vat with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping>
     <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address>
     <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name>
     <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code>
     <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city>
     <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address>
     <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name>
     <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code>
     <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city>
     <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party>
     <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text>
     <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>
     <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
     <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show>
     <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date>
           <description>description of line</description>
           <description_more>more description of line</description_more>
        <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id>	
           <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price>
           <total_price>total line price</total_price>
           <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id>
           <vat_value>value of vat</vat_value>
           <ordering>ordering index</ordering>

Delivery notes

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a delivery note ?

An delivery note (it is a proposal sheet of a certain kind) represents a delivery note you make for your and clients.

Getting the delivery notes list

GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=delivery_note

Returns all delivery notes , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • contact_id : search by contact
  • firm_id : search by fir

Getting a single delivery note

GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single delivery note identified by its id

Creating a new delivery note

POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new delivery note , and returns the delivery notedata

Updating an existing delivery note

PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing delivery note

Deleting an existing delivery note

DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the delivery note identified by its id

Possible values of vat_id

  • 607 for 20%
  • 552 for 10%
  • 223 for 5.5%
  • 222 for 2.1%
  • 225 for 0%
  • 224 for 19.6%
  • 200036 for 7%
  • 701692 for 27%
  • 701687 for 25%
  • 701682 for 24%
  • 701062 for 23%
  • 700075 for 22%
  • 544 for 21%
  • 500041 for 19.25%
  • 529 for 19%
  • 701472 for 18.9%
  • 567 for 18%
  • 200035 for 17%
  • 546 for 16%
  • 551 for 15%
  • 700007 for 14%
  • 620132 for 13%
  • 645 for 12%
  • 702287 for 11%
  • 701222 for 10.5%
  • 701457 for 9%
  • 701737 for 8.875%
  • 701732 for 8.75%
  • 701727 for 8.625%
  • 543 for 8.5%
  • 569 for 8.5% NPR
  • 701722 for 8.375%
  • 702107 for 8.25%
  • 701717 for 8.125%
  • 706048 for 8.1%
  • 200015 for 8%
  • 701712 for 7.75%
  • 701867 for 7.7%
  • 545 for 7.6%
  • 701707 for 7.5%
  • 701702 for 7.375%
  • 701697 for 7%
  • 615 for 6%
  • 1019 for 5%
  • 700872 for 4%
  • 553 for 3%
  • 706041 for 2.6%
  • 700554 for 2.5%
  • 200014 for 2.4%
  • 701662 for 1%
  • 704731 for 1.5%
  • 701657 for 0.5%
  • 701512 for 0.4%
  • 701667 for 0.35%
  • 701672 for 0.25%
  • 700482 for 20% ENC
  • 700485 for 20% DEB
  • 703021 for 16% IMM
  • 701022 for 20% IMM
  • 702417 for 10% ENC
  • 702422 for 10% DEB
  • 701027 for 10% IMM
  • 701032 for 0% IMM
  • 705186 for 0% INTRA
  • 702615 for 0% EXP
  • 703001 for 20% TVA CNIPT

Possible values of proposal progress

  • 565 for Draft
  • 566 for Sent
  • 701462 for Partially delivered
  • 701467 for Delivered
  • 702986 for Litigious
  • 700006 for Done

Possible values of proposal sheet type

  • proposal for a proposal you send to your customers (you propose)
  • delivery_note for a delivery note you send to your customers (you deliver)
  • purchase_order for a purchase order you send to your vendors (you order)
  • production_order for an internal production order
  • insertion_order for an insertion order you send to your customers
  • sale_order for an sale order (confirmation of customer order)
  • intervention_sheet for an intervention sheet
  • loan_receipt for a loan receipt
  • price_quote for a price quote
  • delegated_invoice for a delegated invoice

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of proposal</id>
     <sheet_type>proposal or other document (see below)</sheet_type>
     <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id>
     <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id>
     <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id>
     <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposal</bank_account_id>
     <reference>reference of proposal (automatic)</reference>
     <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date>
     <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent>
     <vat_value_id>vat code id (see below)</vat_value_id>
     <vat_cost>vat value</vat_cost>
     <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost>
     <vat_exl_total>total of proposal without vat</vat_exl_total>
     <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total>
     <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposal without vat with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping>
     <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address>
     <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name>
     <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code>
     <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city>
     <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address>
     <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name>
     <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code>
     <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city>
     <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party>
     <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text>
     <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>
     <project_id>id of related project</project_id>
     <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show>
     <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date>
           <description>description of line</description>
           <description_more>more description of line</description_more>
        <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id>	
           <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price>
           <total_price>total line price</total_price>
           <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id>
           <vat_value>value of vat</vat_value>
           <ordering>ordering index</ordering>

Stock movement

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.j

What is a stock movement ?

A stock movement contains information about the stock movement of a customer product in a warehouse

Getting the stock movements list

GET / stock_movements.xml

Returns all stock movements , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • from_date : returns items with date after or equal to date. format %e/%m/%Y
  • to_date : returns items with date before or equal to date. format %e/%m/%Y
  • date_field : filter date to use

Getting a single stock movement

GET / stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Returns a single stock movement identified by its id

Creating a new stock movement

POST stock_movements.xml
Creates a new stock movement , and returns the stock movementdata

Updating an existing stock movement

PUT stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing stock movement

Deleting an existing stock movement

DELETE stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Deletes the stock movement identified by its id

Possible values of stock_movements/direction

  • 1 for enter
  • -1 for exit
  • 99 for transfert
  • 0 for inventory

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of movement</id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
<origin_warehouse_id>id of origin warehouse</origin_warehouse_id>
<destination_warehouse_id>id of destination</destination_warehouse_id>
<direction>direction, see below</direction>
<moved_at>date moved 06-07-2010-00-00</moved_at>

Serial numbers

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a serial number ?

A serial number is attached to a stock movement and a product and identifies the product uniquely.

Getting the serial_numbers list

GET / serial_numbers.xml

Returns all serial_numbers , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single serial_number

GET / serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Returns a single serial_number identified by its id

Creating a new serial_number

POST serial_numbers.xml
Creates a new serial_number , and returns the serial_numberdata

Updating an existing serial_number

PUT serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing serial_number

Deleting an existing serial_number

DELETE serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Deletes the serial_number identified by its id

Possible values of stock_movements/direction

  • 1 for enter
  • -1 for exit
  • 99 for transfert
  • 0 for inventory

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of the number</id>
<lot_reference>the serial number</lot_reference>
<stock_movement_id>id of stock movement</stock_movement_id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<warehouse_id>id of warehouse</warehouse_id>
<quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
<direction>see below</direction>

Lot numbers

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a lot number ?

A lot number is attached to a stock movement and a product and identifies the lot the product belongs to.

Getting the serial_lots list

GET / serial_lots.xml

Returns all serial_lots , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single serial_lot

GET / serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Returns a single serial_lot identified by its id

Creating a new serial_lot

POST serial_lots.xml
Creates a new serial_lot , and returns the serial_lotdata

Updating an existing serial_lot

PUT serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing serial_lot

Deleting an existing serial_lot

DELETE serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Deletes the serial_lot identified by its id

Possible values of stock_movements/direction

  • 1 for enter
  • -1 for exit
  • 99 for transfert
  • 0 for inventory

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


 <id>id of the lot</id>
 <lot_reference>reference of the lot</lot_reference>
 <stock_movement_id>id of stock movement</stock_movement_id>
 <customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
 <warehouse_id>id of warehouse</warehouse_id>
 <quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
 <direction>see below</direction>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a project ?

A project is one of the big topics of your company daily activity

Getting the projects list

GET / projects.xml

Returns all projects , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single project

GET / projects/#{id}.xml
Returns a single project identified by its id

Creating a new project

POST projects.xml
Creates a new project , and returns the projectdata

Updating an existing project

PUT projects/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing project

Deleting an existing project

DELETE projects/#{id}.xml
Deletes the project identified by its id

Possible values of status

  • 1 if active
  • 2 if suspended
  • 3 if done

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


  <id>id of this object</id>
  <name>project's name</name>
  <reference>a reference of the project</reference>
  <status_id>status (see below)</status_id>
  <budget_euros>cost budget in euros</budget_euros>
  <budget_hours>time budget in hours</budget_hours>
  <budget_halfdays>time budget in hours</budget_halfdays>
  <start_date>start date</start_date>
  <end_date>end date</end_date>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a task ?

A task is a to-do item.

Getting the tasks list

GET / tasks.xml

Returns all tasks , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • status_id : Filter tasks by status
  • priority_id : Search tasks by prority
  • type_id : Search tasks by type
  • assigned_user_id : Search tasks assigned to
  • creator_filter : Search tasks assigned by

Getting a single task

GET / tasks/#{id}.xml
Returns a single task identified by its id

Creating a new task

POST tasks.xml
Creates a new task , and returns the taskdata

Updating an existing task

PUT tasks/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing task

Deleting an existing task

DELETE tasks/#{id}.xml
Deletes the task identified by its id

Possible values of task status

  • 236 : Pending
  • 237 : Done
  • 238 : Cancelled
  • 239 : Archived

Possible values of service

  • 81 forManagement
  • 80 forOperations
  • 79 forSales
  • 83 forMarketing
  • 84 forPurchases
  • 575 forIT
  • 525 forR&D
  • 200016 forProduction
  • 200017 forLogistics
  • 82 forHR
  • 85 forAdmin
  • 620 forNon worked

Possible values of task priority

  • 257 : High
  • 258 : Normal
  • 259 : Low

Possible values of task importance

  • 46 : High
  • 44 : Normal
  • 45 : Low

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of the task</id>
     <type_id>importance id (see below)</type_id>
     <service_id>service id (see below)</service_id>
     <status_id>status id (see below)</status_id>
     <priority_id>priority id (see below)</priority_id>
     <assigned_user_id>id of user to which the task is assigned</assigned_user_id>
     <project_id>id of the project this task belongs to</project_id>
     <due_at>due date</due_at>
     <done_at>date at which the task was terminated</done_at>
     <object_name>name of object to which the task is attached (if any)</object_name>
     <object_zid>id of object to which the task is attached (if any)</object_zid>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a timesheet ?

A timesheet contains indication of time spend on what.

Getting the timesheets list

GET / timesheets.xml

Returns all timesheets , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single timesheet

GET / timesheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single timesheet identified by its id

Creating a new timesheet

POST timesheets.xml
Creates a new timesheet , and returns the timesheetdata

Updating an existing timesheet

PUT timesheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing timesheet

Deleting an existing timesheet

DELETE timesheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the timesheet identified by its id

Possible values of service

  • 81 forManagement
  • 80 forOperations
  • 79 forSales
  • 83 forMarketing
  • 84 forPurchases
  • 575 forIT
  • 525 forR&D
  • 200016 forProduction
  • 200017 forLogistics
  • 82 forHR
  • 85 forAdmin
  • 620 forNon worked

Possible values of unit

  • 530 : H
  • 531 : halfday

Possible values of status

  • 76 : Draft
  • 77 : Waiting validation
  • 600104 : Validated
  • 78 : Archived

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


 	 <id>id of this object</id>
     <period>month it is related to (date format)</period>
     <user_id>user it is related to</user_id>
     <status_id>timesheet status (see below)</status_id>
     <validated_at>date of validation</validated_at>
     <validator_id>user who validated the timesheet</validator_id>
     <unit>time unit (see below)</unit>
	         <user_id>user it is related to</user_id>
	         <branch_id>service it is related to (see below)</branch_id>
	         <day>day of month</day>
	         <duration>duration in the time unit of the timesheet</duration>
	         <comment>additional comments</comment>
	         <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id>
	         <project_id>id of related project</project_id>

Timesheet lines

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What’s a timesheet line ?

A timesheet contains indication of time spend on what.

Getting the timesheet lines list

GET / timesheet_lines.xml

Returns all timesheet lines , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single timesheet line

GET / timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Returns a single timesheet line identified by its id

Creating a new timesheet line

POST timesheet_lines.xml
Creates a new timesheet line , and returns the timesheet linedata

Updating an existing timesheet line

PUT timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing timesheet line

Deleting an existing timesheet line

DELETE timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Deletes the timesheet line identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of this</id>
<timesheet_id>id of the parent timesheet</timesheet_id>
<user_id>id of attached user</user_id>
<bookable_id>id of attached bookable</bookable_id>
<object_zname>class of attached object</object_zname>
<object_zid>id of attached object</object_zid>
<day>day in month</day>
<day_date>full date</day_date>
<all_day>all day ? 0 or 1</all_day>
<duration>duration related to unit</duration>
<cash_cost_per_unit>cost for duration unit</cash_cost_per_unit>
<begin_hour>start hour</begin_hour>
<end_hour>end hour</end_hour>
<notif_should>should notif when date arrives ? 0 or 1</notif_should>
<description>Time description</description>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a Staff Member ?

A staff_member is an employee, past or present, of your company.

Getting the staff members list

GET / staff_members.xml

Returns all staff members , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single staff member

GET / staff_members/#{id}.xml
Returns a single staff member identified by its id

Creating a new staff member

POST staff_members.xml
Creates a new staff member , and returns the staff memberdata

Updating an existing staff member

PUT staff_members/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing staff member

Deleting an existing staff member

DELETE staff_members/#{id}.xml
Deletes the staff member identified by its id

Possible values of civility_label_id

  • 18 : Madame
  • 634 : Mesdames
  • 19 : Mademoiselle
  • 635 : Mesdemoiselles
  • 17 : Mr
  • 636 : Messieurs
  • 752 : Monsieur et Madame
  • 637 : Veuve
  • 638 : Dr
  • 639 : Drs
  • 640 : Professeur
  • 641 : Professeurs
  • 642 : Maitre
  • 643 : Maitres
  • 644 : Monseigneur

Possible values of family situation

  • 450 : Single
  • 451 : Married
  • 702387 : PACS
  • 452 : Divorced
  • 453 : Widower
  • 454 : Cohabitation

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of this object</id>
     <user_id>id of the user related to this staff_member, if any</user_id>
     <civility_label_id>civility (see below)</civility_label_id>
     <first_name>first name of staff</first_name>
     <last_name>last name of staff</last_name>
     <birth_date>date of birth</birth_date>
     <birth_city>city of birth</birth_city>
     <birth_country_id>France (name, not id)</birth_country_id>
     <nationality_country_id>France (name, not id)</nationality_country_id>
     <s_security_nb>social security number</s_security_nb>
     <arrival_date>date of arrival in the company</arrival_date>
     <departure_date>date of departure in the company (if any)</departure_date>
     <job_label>name of the job</job_label>
     <job_description>description of the job (several lines)</job_description>
     <rank>rank of the job</rank>
     <job_level>level of the job</job_level>
     <job_qualification>qualification of the job</job_qualification>
     <email>contact email</email>
     <family_situation_id>id of family situation (see below)</family_situation_id>
     <salary>raw salary perceived per year</salary>
     <category>category of worker (employee, intern, etc)</category>
     <time_conditions>work hours</time_conditions>
     <contract_type>type of contract</contract_type>
     <cdi>1 if the work contract if unlimited duration contract</cdi>
     <transportation>detail of transportation gratification</transportation>
     <work_contract>content of work contract</work_contract>
     <doc_work_contract>1 if work contract is stored</doc_work_contract>
     <doc_id>1 if copy of identification card is stored</doc_id>
     <doc_social_card>1 if copy of social information is stored</doc_social_card>
     <rib_bank>bank info : bank</rib_bank>
     <rib_sub>bank info : bank branch</rib_sub>
     <rib_account>bank info : account number</rib_account>
     <rib_key>bank info : key</rib_key>

Month of salaries

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a Staff Member ?

A month of salary (salary_campaigns) contains the list of salaries paid to each employee this month.

Getting the month of salaries list

GET / salary_campaigns.xml

Returns all month of salaries , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single month of salary

GET / salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Returns a single month of salary identified by its id

Creating a new month of salary

POST salary_campaigns.xml
Creates a new month of salary , and returns the month of salarydata

Updating an existing month of salary

PUT salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing month of salary

Deleting an existing month of salary

DELETE salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Deletes the month of salary identified by its id

Possible values of salary month status

  • 52 : Draft
  • 53 : Waiting validation
  • 54 : Validated

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of this object</id>
     <status_id>status of this month (see below)</status_id>
     <period>month for this (a date)</period>
           <staff_member_id>id of staff</staff_member_id>
           <base_salary>base salary paid this month</base_salary>
           <base_salary_is_net>1 if base salary is net</base_salary_is_net>
           <result_bonus>result bonus paid this month</result_bonus>
           <result_bonus_is_net>1 if bonus is net</result_bonus_is_net>
           <exceptional_bonus>exceptional bonus paid this month</exceptional_bonus>
           <exceptional_bonus_is_net>1 if exceptional bonus is net</exceptional_bonus_is_net>
           <vacation_days_nb>number of days of vacation this month</vacation_days_nb>
           <recup_days_nb>number of days of rest this month</recup_days_nb>
           <recup_gained_days>number of days of rest gained this month</recup_gained_days>
           <RTT_employee_nb>number of days of employee rtt this month</RTT_employee_nb>
           <RTT_employer_nb>number of days of employer rtt this month</RTT_employer_nb>
           <RTT_gained_days>number of days of gained days of rtt this month</RTT_gained_days>
           <vacation_gained_days>number of days of vacation gained this month</vacation_gained_days>
           <sickness_days_nb>number of days of sickness this month</sickness_days_nb>
           <absence_days_nb>number of days of absence this month</absence_days_nb>
           <insurance>1 if employee has social insurance this month</insurance>
           <arrival_day>day of arrival in the month, if in the month</arrival_day>
           <departure_day>day of departure in the month, if in the month</departure_day>
           <meal_tickets_nb>number of meal tickets this month</meal_tickets_nb>
           <commute_zones_nb>number of transport zones</commute_zones_nb>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a vacation request ?

It's a request from an employee for days of vacations or absences

Getting the vacation requests list

GET / vacation_requests.xml

Returns all vacation requests , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single vacation request

GET / vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Returns a single vacation request identified by its id

Creating a new vacation request

POST vacation_requests.xml
Creates a new vacation request , and returns the vacation requestdata

Updating an existing vacation request

PUT vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing vacation request

Deleting an existing vacation request

DELETE vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Deletes the vacation request identified by its id

Possible values of status

  • 509 : Draft
  • 65 : Waiting validation
  • 66 : Accepted
  • 67 : Cancelled
  • 600118 : Archived

Possible values of vacation type

  • 61 for Paid vacations
  • 62 for Recuperation
  • 63 for RTT employer
  • 64 for RTT employee
  • 68 for Unpaid vacations
  • 573 for Sick leav
  • 500044 for Exceptional leave
  • 702690 for Exceptional leave
  • 702162 for Exceptional leave
  • 702172 for Exceptional leave
  • 702167 for Exceptional leave
  • 702392 for Exceptional leave

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of this object</id>
     <status_id>status of request (see below)</status_id>
     <staff_member_id>id of the staff member</staff_member_id>
     <start_date>first day of absence</start_date>
     <stop_date>day of return</stop_date>
     <duration>number of days of absence</duration>
     <vacation_type_id>type of absence (see below)</vacation_type_id>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is an expense ?

It's a payment made by an employee on the payroll, for a purpose serving the company. This payment will be reimbursed by the company to the employee.

Getting the expenses list

GET / expense_sheets.xml

Returns all expenses , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single expense

GET / expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single expense identified by its id

Creating a new expense

POST expense_sheets.xml
Creates a new expense , and returns the expensedata

Updating an existing expense

PUT expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing expense

Deleting an existing expense

DELETE expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the expense identified by its id

Possible values of status

  • 509 : Draft
  • 65 : Waiting validation
  • 66 : Accepted
  • 67 : Cancelled
  • 600118 : Archived

Possible values of vacation type

  • 61 for Paid vacations
  • 62 for Recuperation
  • 63 for RTT employer
  • 64 for RTT employee
  • 68 for Unpaid vacations
  • 573 for Sick leav
  • 500044 for Exceptional leave
  • 702690 for Exceptional leave
  • 702162 for Exceptional leave
  • 702172 for Exceptional leave
  • 702167 for Exceptional leave
  • 702392 for Exceptional leave

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


   <id>id of this object</id>
   <staff_member_id>id of staff member for this expense sheet</staff_member_id>
   <vehicule_fiscal_power>fiscal power of employees vehicle</vehicule_fiscal_power>
   <period>month for this expense sheet (a date)</period>
   <advance_amount>advance amount paid to employee</advance_amount>
   <status_id>status of expense (see below)</status_id>
   <submission_date>date of submission of sheet</submission_date>
   <validator_id>user id of validator</validator_id>
   <validated_at>date of validation</validated_at>
        <day>day in the month</day>
        <description>description of this</description>
        <type_id>type of expense (see below)</type_id>
        <amount>value including tax</amount>
        <tva_pct>vat id (see below)</tva_pct>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is an interview ?

An interview contains the data related to the interview of a candidate for a job you offer.

Getting the interviews list

GET / interviews.xml

Returns all interviews , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single interview

GET / interviews/#{id}.xml
Returns a single interview identified by its id

Creating a new interview

POST interviews.xml
Creates a new interview , and returns the interviewdata

Updating an existing interview

PUT interviews/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing interview

Deleting an existing interview

DELETE interviews/#{id}.xml
Deletes the interview identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


    <id>id of this object</id>
    <interview_date>date of this interview</interview_date>
    <candidate_ref>reference of the candidate</candidate_ref>
    <target_job>expected position</target_job>
    <staff_member_id>staff member id of the interviewer</staff_member_id>
    <candidate_information>candidate has been informed or answer (see below)</candidate_information>
    <candidate_information_answer>comments on candidate information</candidate_information_answer>
    <candidate_motivation>candidate looks motivated ?</candidate_motivation>
    <candidate_origin>who referred the candidate ?</candidate_origin>
    <candidate_training>education of the candidate</candidate_training>
    <candidate_availability>when is candidate available</candidate_availability>
    <is_objectif_oriented>is candidate objectif oriented ?</is_objectif_oriented>
    <is_organized>is candidate organized ?</is_organized>
    <is_experienced>is candidate experienced ?</is_experienced>
    <is_organized>is candidate organized ?</is_organized>
    <is_rigorous>is candidate rigorous ?</is_rigorous>
    <is_with_initiative>has candidate initiave ?</is_with_initiative>
    <is_polyvalent>is candidate polyvalent ?</is_polyvalent>
    <is_influent>is candidate influent ?</is_influent>
    <is_self_conscious>is candidate self conscious ?</is_self_conscious>
    <is_analytical>is candidate analytical ?</is_analytical>
    <is_sales_oriented>is candidate sales oriented ?</is_sales_oriented>
    <is_competent>is candidate competent ?</is_competent>
    <is_potential_employee>has candidate the potential to become employee ?</is_potential_employee>
    <is_potential_manager>has candidate the potential to become manager ?</is_potential_manager>
    <is_ok_wordprocessor>is candidate ok with wordprocessor tools ?</is_ok_wordprocessor>
    <is_ok_spreadsheed>is candidate ok with spreadsheet tools ?</is_ok_spreadsheed>
    <is_ok_slideshow>is candidate ok with presentation tools ?</is_ok_slideshow>
    <is_ok_internetsearch>is candidate fluent in internet search ?</is_ok_internetsearch>
    <is_ok_spelling>is candidate's spelling ok ?</is_ok_spelling>
    <is_language1_fluent>is candidate fluent in another language 1 ?</is_language1_fluent>
    <is_language2_fluent>is candidate fluent in another language 2 ?</is_language2_fluent>
    <proof_objectif_oriented>description of proof of objectif orientation</proof_objectif_oriented>
    <proof_organized>description of proof of organization</proof_organized>
    <proof_experienced>description of proof of experience</proof_experienced>
    <proof_rigorous>description of proof of rigor</proof_rigorous>
    <proof_with_initiative>description of proof of initiative</proof_with_initiative>
    <proof_polyvalent>description of proof of polyvalence</proof_polyvalent>
    <proof_influent>description of proof of influence</proof_influent>
    <proof_self_conscious>description of proof of self-consciousness</proof_self_conscious>
    <proof_analytical>description of proof of analytical skills</proof_analytical>
    <proof_sales_oriented>description of proof of sales orientation</proof_sales_oriented>
    <proof_competent>description of proof of competency</proof_competent>
    <proof_potential_employee>why is candidate a potential employee</proof_potential_employee>
    <proof_potential_manager>why is candidate a potential manager</proof_potential_manager>
    <proof_ok_wordprocessor>description of proof of word processing skills</proof_ok_wordprocessor>
    <proof_ok_spreadsheed>description of proof of spreadsheet skills</proof_ok_spreadsheed>
    <proof_ok_slideshow>description of proof of presentation software skills</proof_ok_slideshow>
    <proof_ok_internetsearch>description of proof of internet search skills</proof_ok_internetsearch>
    <proof_ok_spelling>description of proof of good spelling</proof_ok_spelling>
    <proof_language1_fluent>first language</proof_language1_fluent>
    <proof_language2_fluent>second language</proof_language2_fluent>
    <would_hire>1 if would hire the candidate</would_hire>
    <why_would_hire>reasons why would hire</why_would_hire>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a note ?

It's a piece of text of interest for your business

Getting the notes list

GET / notes.xml

Returns all notes , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single note

GET / notes/#{id}.xml
Returns a single note identified by its id

Creating a new note

POST notes.xml
Creates a new note , and returns the notedata

Updating an existing note

PUT notes/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing note

Deleting an existing note

DELETE notes/#{id}.xml
Deletes the note identified by its id

Possible values of note type

  • 474 : Information
  • 241 : Reminder
  • 507 : Documentation
  • 473 : Press clip
  • 29 : Meeting with customer
  • 30 : Meeting internal
  • 256 : Competition
  • 455 : Market
  • 240 : Marketing
  • 456 : Product
  • 31 : R&D

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <id>id of this object</id>
     <type_id>type of note (see below)</type_id>
     <object_name>name of owner object (example 'proposal_sheets')</object_name>
     <object_zid>id of owner object</object_zid>
     <link_text>the name of a link related to the note</link_text>
     <link_url>the link related to the note</link_url>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a file ?

An upload_file is a file located on our servers. This file can be attached to nothing, or to any object of your application.

Getting the files list

GET / upload_files.xml

Returns all files , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • object_zname : For objects with type name (ex 'bill_sheets' for invoices)
  • object_zid : For objects with ID

Getting a single file

GET / upload_files/#{id}.xml
Returns a single file identified by its id

Creating a new file

POST upload_files.xml
Creates a new file , and returns the filedata

Updating an existing file

PUT upload_files/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing file

Deleting an existing file

DELETE upload_files/#{id}.xml
Deletes the file identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


       <id>id of this object</id>
       <upload_file_name>name of the file</upload_file_name>
       <object_zname>name of the object it is attached to, if any</object_zname>
       <object_zid>id of the object it is attached to, if any</object_zid>
       <upload_file_size>size in octets of the file</upload_file_size>
       <upload_file_description>user description</upload_file_description>
       <file_data>file content bytes (alternative 1)</file_data>
       <file_data_in_base64>file content bytes encoded in base64 (alternative 2)</file_data_base64>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What is a contract ?

Save in contracts all the information regarding contracts that you have signed : vendors, customers, etc.

Getting the contracts list

GET / contracts.xml

Returns all contracts , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a single contract

GET / contracts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contract identified by its id

Creating a new contract

POST contracts.xml
Creates a new contract , and returns the contractdata

Updating an existing contract

PUT contracts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contract

Deleting an existing contract

DELETE contracts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contract identified by its id

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


     <signing_date>signing date</signing_date>
     <party>name of signing party</party>
     <staff_member_id>id of signing staff</staff_member_id>
     <begin_date>date of beginning of contract</begin_date>
     <end_date>date of termination of contract</end_date>
     <renew_date>date of renewal of contract</renew_date>

Custom labels

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

What’s a custom label ?

Custom labels are lists that you customize for several usage in your application

Getting the custom labels list

GET / custom_labels.xml

Returns all custom labels , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • type : Type of label (mandatory)

Getting a single custom label

GET / custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Returns a single custom label identified by its id

Creating a new custom label

POST custom_labels.xml
Creates a new custom label , and returns the custom labeldata

Updating an existing custom label

PUT custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing custom label

Deleting an existing custom label

DELETE custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Deletes the custom label identified by its id

Possible values of custom_labels/label_type

  • timesheet_line_labels for Catégories d'événements
  • signed_document_labels for Classement des documents
  • lead_client_type_labels for Catégorie de client/prospect dans les affaires
  • contact_items_labels for Classement des coordonnées des tiers
  • address_labels for Classement des adresses des tiers
  • task_labels for Classement des tâches
  • lead_step_labels for Classement des affaires
  • custom_financial_category_id for Comptes de charges et immobilisations
  • contact_labels for Classement des contacts
  • conversation_public_labels for Catégorie publique des tickets
  • conversation_private_labels for Catégorie interne des tickets
  • sales_pipelines for Pipelines
  • product_name_tag_groups for Groupes de compléments de noms de produits
  • customer_pricing_books for Grilles de tarifs
  • customer_product_brand for Marques des produits
  • conversation_chapters for Chapitres pour les conversations
  • vehicle_label for Catégories de véhicules
  • it_asset_label for Catégories de matériels informatiques
  • hardware_label for Catégories de matériel
  • notes_labels for Actions commerciales
  • virtual_sales_channels for Canaux de vente virtuels
  • skills for Compétences
  • prospect_sources for Source des prospects
  • upload_file_categories for Catégories des fichiers
  • helpdesk_feedback for Détails du feedback
  • sales_failures for Catégories d'échec commercial
  • deposit_wallets for Portefeuilles de règlements en cours
  • test_environments for Environnement
  • test_groups for Campagne de tests
  • discount_categories for Catégories de remises
  • sheet_expenses_categories for Catégories des charges sur devis-factures
  • sheet_operation_type for Catégories d'interventions
  • sheet_geo for Secteur géographique

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>the id</id>
<label_type>type of label</label_type>
<long_label>readable value of label</long_label>
<more_info>more info on label</more_info>


Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

Getting the webhooks list

GET / webhooks.xml

Returns all webhooks , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of object</id>
<active>active ? 0 | 1</active>
<object_zname>related to object</object_zname>
<object_action>action ? create | update | fupdate | destroy</object_action>
<turl>your url</turl>

Webhook calls

Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.

Getting the webhook_calls list

GET / webhook_calls.xml

Returns all webhook_calls , page by page
Add a page parameter to navigate

Getting a selection of the list

Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection

  • webhook_id : id of webhook
  • object_zname : type of object
  • object_zid : id of object

#Object Data

Voir la documentation champ par champ


<id>id of object</id>
<webhook_id>id of webhook</webhook_id>
<called_at>date of call</called_at>
<last_result>http result code</last_result>
<duration_ms>duration in ms</duration_ms>
<object_zid>incwo id of related object</object_zid>
<object_zname>incwo type of related object</object_zname>
<object_action>ation ? create | update | fupdate | destroy</object_action>
<json_data>data sent to webhook</json_data>