Our applications provide developers with a REST-type API.
It allows you to create automations, or mashup applications composed with incwo.com apps and other services. For example :
Use a desktop app to enter timesheets in a snap
Bill directly from your web boutique each time there's a sale
Receive a SMS when you reach some sales targets
Import contacts automatically from another application
If you create public applications with our APIs please let us know, we'll add your application to our application repository and we'll promote your application.
We edit several applications, each will have different API access policies based on your service plan. Check on our websites to know more. But each will allow you to test some API calls before going to pay mode.
Give us your feedback : If you need more APIs, we'll add more APIs.
Authentication is managed through HTTP Basic Authentication . To use these APIs, you need a server address, a login/password combination. To get them:
Log in to the incwo.com application, and go to the Settings/Users and then to the APIs setting panel
Activate API Access : it will allow your application to respond to XML requests
Note the server address : the API server address displayed in the APIs settings panel is the one you need
Choose the authorized user account. : Choose the user account that you want to authorize. The login/password you will use for your API will be these of the user.
Should you need it, our servers IP range is : 185.16.44.*
When connected to your application with your browser, go to a contact, and add .xml at the end of the address in the browser. It will return the XML
You can also use curl to test access to the API. Set the ' Content-Type ' header to 'application/xml'.
# Try the following to get a list of your contacts, and return an XML-formatted response : curl -u #{login}:#{password} - X GET \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ #{server}/contacts.xml # Note that in the code samples, #{text} indicates a section that has to be replaced by your data <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <contact> <id>30416</id> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>Robertson</last_name> <creator_id>433</creator_id> <contact_items> <contact_item> <type_id>24</type_id> <value>01 45 21 28 27</value> </contact_item> </contact_items> </contact>
HTTP Status Code will be returned with the XML response:
200 if all is OK
201 if everything is OK and an object was created
404 if the resource couldn’t be found
429 API rate limit exceeded
500 if and error happened
When calling the API you must limit you calls to a number of calls per time window. Failure to do so will result in a http 429 error
Rate limit per second : 8
Rate limit per minute : 240
Rate limit per hour : 4800
The following example returns a list of firms. :
Note the pagination block providing information about the potential number of pages.
To access the next page, just add the ?page=#{page_number}
to your request URL.
You can filter results by dates using the following three parameters :
• filter_from_date : format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
• filter_to_date : format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS
• filter_date_field : date field to use (created_at | updated_at | modified_at | other object date field)
To access the next page, just add the ?filter_from_date=2021-12-01&filter_to_date=2021-12-31&filter_date_field=updated_at
to your request URL.
curl -u #{login}:#{password} \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ #{server}/firms.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <pagination> <current_page>1</current_page> <total_pages>62</total_pages> </pagination> <firms> <firm> <id>63462</id> <name>C.O</name> <firm_type>client</firm_type> <siren></siren> <tva></tva> </firm> <firm> <id>62601</id> <name>2C Comm</name> <firm_type>client</firm_type> <siren></siren> <tva></tva> </firm> </firms> # With no surprise, details on one firm will be requested via The Following: curl -u #{login}:#{password} \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ #{server}/firms/#{id of firm}.xml
Data will be inserted the following way, using the POST
action. (Example with a firm)
This action returns the newly created object from which you can extract the id.
curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ -d '<firm><name>apitest</name><firm_type>client</firm_type></firm>' \ #{server}/firms.xml
Data will be inserted the following way, using the PUT
action. (Example with a firm)
curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ -d '<firm><name>apitest</name><firm_type>client</firm_type></firm>' \ #{server}/firms/#{id of the object}.xml
Data will be inserted the following way, using the DELETE
action. (Example with a firm)
curl -u #{login}:#{password} -X DELETE \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ #{server}/firms/#{id of the object}.xml
Webhooks allow you to build integrations which subscribe to certain events on incwo.com. When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST with JSON data to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to update an external software database, inform partners when orders arrive, send text messages when urgent events occur. The sky is the limit! Webhooks are called asynchronously a few seconds after the event occurrence. You can subscribe to four kinds of events:
create : triggered after an object has been created and populated
update : triggered after an object has been updated. Event data contains the updated fields, their previous and current value
fupdate : triggered after an the field of an object has been updated. Event data contains the previous and current value
destroy : triggered after and object has been destroyed
To use webhooks install the Webhooks app and add your callback urls
"object_action" : "create", # event
"object_zname" : "contacts", # object type
"object_zid" : 12345, # object id
"user_id" : 1000, # user id
"business_file_id" : 56789 # customer file id
"object_action" : "fupdate", # event
"object_zname" : "contacts", # object type
"object_zid" : 12345, # object id
"object_changes" : { # changes to the object
"first_name" : { # changes for this field
"before" :"Roger",
"after" : "Robert"
"progress_id" : { # changes for this field
"before" :"500",
"after" : "510"
"user_id" : 1000, # user id
"business_file_id" : 56789 # customer file id
Now check the API documentation for each object you may be willing to use :
Sales Management
Purchases management
Project & Time
You are using RubyOnRails ? Download here a sample application to play with our APIs.
facile_API_ror_sample.zip (229 Ko)
You are using PHP ? Download here a sample application to play with our APIs.
php_create_bill.zip (2 Ko)
Send it to us, we’ll integrate it here.
To use this API you need :
An incwo.com account
On this account, one application Bureau Virtuel, ma-facturation, or gestion-auto-entrepreneur
On one of these applications above, you need to activate the APIs in users/api setup
After the above step, here’s the info you must have :
The user login and password
The server address and file number
On one of these applications above, you need to activate the APIs in users/api setup
Here’s how to try the APIs manually. :
Log in to your application using a browser, and go to your invoices, for example.
Your current browser address will be something like https://www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/list/10232 (Where 10232 will be replaced by your own file number)
Add .xml at the end of the URL, https://www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/list/10232.xml
As a result you get a paginated list of bills in XML format.
Another try: go to one of your bills. Your current browser address is close to https://www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/show/10232/38580 (Where 10232 will be replaced by your own file number, and 38580 will be replaced by the id of the bill you’re looking at)
Add .xml at the end of the URL, https://www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/show/10232/38580.xml
As a result you get your bill displayed in XML format.
Now to automate :
If you’re using a REST based library to access the API, provide server address, login, passwords, and reproduce the data model of the APIs in your app.
If you’re not, and access the server using http calls, you’ll have to rebuild the URLs yourself using the above examples.
You created a mashup using our applications and other web services ?
A desktop application ?
A mobile application ?
It comes for free ? It has a cost ?
The Application Store is a registry of applications or resources using our services
Send us the details : We'll post your application on our catalog, and advertise it on our community of users !
You are a talented developer and love our products?
You would like to build innovative products around our solutions?
You would like to advertise your services (with a price of course) to build custom applications for other people?
We have a Registered Developer Program to make your life easier.
Get access to the developer extranet , with tech updates and information.
Have faster access to tech support
Be listed, if you choose, in the developer’s public listing . It may help you find customers interested in building an app with our API, and … your skills.
Promote your app in our application store
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A contact is a person, with a first name, last name, and contact data (phones, emails, etc.). A contact can be linked to a firm.
GET / contacts.xml
Returns all contacts , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / contacts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact identified by its id
POST contacts.xml
Creates a new contact , and returns the contactdata
PUT contacts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact
DELETE contacts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact identified by its id
<contact> <id>id of contact</id> <civility_label_id>civility (see below)</civility_label_id> <last_name>last name</last_name> <first_name>first name</first_name> <comment>comment</comment> <job_title>job title</job_title> <job_department>department in company</job_department> <country>France</country> <contact_type>type of contact (see below)</contact_type> <firm_id>id of firms the contact belongs to</firm_id> <contact_addresses> <contact_address> <address_type>type of address (see below)</address_type> <street_address>street address</street_address> <street_address2>more addresses</street_address2> <zip_code>zip code</zip_code> <city>city</city> <country>France</country> </contact_address> </contact_addresses> <contact_items> <contact_item> <type_id>type of contact_item (see below)</type_id> <value>tel, email, etc.</value> </contact_item> </contact_items> </contact>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A firm is a company, with a name, some administrative data and contact info. A firm can contain several contacts.
GET / firms.xml
Returns all firms , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / firms/#{id}.xml
Returns a single firm identified by its id
POST firms.xml
Creates a new firm , and returns the firmdata
PUT firms/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing firm
DELETE firms/#{id}.xml
Deletes the firm identified by its id
<firm> <id>id of firm</id> <name>name of firm</name> <firm_type>type of firm (see below)</firm_type> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <siren>company identification number</siren> <tva>intra VAT number</tva> <contact_addresses> <contact_address> <address_type>type of address (see below)</address_type> <street_address>street address</street_address> <street_address2>more addresses</street_address2> <zip_code>zip code</zip_code> <city>city</city> <country>France</country> </contact_address> </contact_addresses> <contact_items> <contact_item> <type_id>type of contact_item (see below)</type_id> <value>tel, email, etc.</value> </contact_item> </contact_items> </firm>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A lead contains information (number of sales, signing date, expectations) on a sale prospect or a client, and is linked to a contact
or firm
GET / leads.xml
Returns all leads , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / leads/#{id}.xml
Returns a single lead identified by its id
POST leads.xml
Creates a new lead , and returns the leaddata
PUT leads/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing lead
DELETE leads/#{id}.xml
Deletes the lead identified by its id
<lead> <id>id of this object</id> <manager_id>user id of the manager of the lead</manager_id> <client_name>Name of customer</client_name> <topic>Topic of this lead</topic> <contact_id>id of related contact (or 0)</firm_id> <firm_id>id of related firms (or 0)</firm_id> <is_engaged>0 for prospects, 1 for customer</is_engaged> <importance>0 not important to 5 most important</importance> <product_category_id>id in your own typology of products you sell</category> <value>amount of sale without taxes</value> <value_date>expected date of signing the sale</value_date> <confidence_pct>percentage of confidence (0–100)</confidence_pct> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <description>Some description of the lead</description> <learning_on_customer>Some info about the customer (budget, timing, etc.)</learning_on_customer> <learning_on_sales_tools>Some knowledge on your own sales tools (website, brochures, etc.).</learning_on_sales_tools> <learning_on_products>Some knowledge on your products (too expensive, etc.)</learning_on_products> </lead>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A contact_item is a coordinate of a contact or firm (email, phone, fax etc).
GET / contact_addresses.xml
Returns all contact_addresses , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_address identified by its id
POST contact_addresses.xml
Creates a new contact_address , and returns the contact_addressdata
PUT contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_address
DELETE contact_addresses/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_address identified by its id
<contact_id>id of contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of firm</firm_id>
<type_id>type of contact item</type_id>
<value>email or phone</value>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A contact_address is the address of a contact or firm.
GET / contact_items.xml
Returns all contact_items , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / contact_items/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_item identified by its id
POST contact_items.xml
Creates a new contact_item , and returns the contact_itemdata
PUT contact_items/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_item
DELETE contact_items/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_item identified by its id
<contact_id>id of contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of firm</firm_id>
<country>the country</country>
<city>the city</city>
<zip_code>the zip code</zip_code>
<street_address>the street address</street_address>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A contact_list is a list of contacts and firms.
GET / contact_lists.xml
Returns all contact_lists , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_list identified by its id
POST contact_lists.xml
Creates a new contact_list , and returns the contact_listdata
PUT contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_list
DELETE contact_lists/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_list identified by its id
<name>name of the list</name>
<description>some description</description>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A contact_list_item is an element of a contact_list
GET / contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contact_list_item identified by its id
POST contact_list_items.xml
Creates a new contact_list_item , and returns the contact_list_itemdata
PUT contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contact_list_item
DELETE contact_list_items/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contact_list_item identified by its id
<contact_list_id>id of contact list</contact_list_id>
<contact_id>id of contact or firm</contact_id>
<email_id>id of contact’s email (contact_item)</email_id>
<phone_id>id of contact’s phone (contact_item)</phone_id>
<address_id>id of contact’s email (contact_address)</address_id>
<kind>contact | firm</kind>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A customer_product
is an item from the catalog of products you sell to customers , or you buy from vendors , or both.
GET / customer_products.xml
Returns all products , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / customer_products/#{id}.xml
Returns a single product identified by its id
POST customer_products.xml
Creates a new product , and returns the productdata
PUT customer_products/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing product
DELETE customer_products/#{id}.xml
Deletes the product identified by its id
<id>id of products</id>
<reference>reference for sale</reference>
<vendor_reference>reference for purchase</vendor_reference>
<is_active>product is active? 0 | 1</is_active>
<is_from_vendor>which catalog? 0=sale | 1=vendor | 2=both</is_from_vendor>
<name>product name for sale</name>
<name_vendor>product name for purchase</name_vendor>
<additional_public_infos>public description</additional_public_infos>
<description>private description</description>
<additional_public_infos_vendor>public description from sellers</additional_public_infos_vendor>
<description_vendor>private descriptor from sellers</description_vendor>
<type_of_product_id>type of product (see below)</type_of_product_id>
<activity_classification_choice>is it a product or service</activity_classification_choice>
<link_to_product>link to product</link_to_product>
<link_text>name for link to product</link_text>
<currency_id>currency of sales price</currency_id>
<cost_currency_id>currency of the purchase cost</cost_currency_id>
<product_category_id>ID of customer_product_category object</product_category_id>
<price>sale price of the product</price>
<price_distributor>sale price of the product for distributors</price_distributor>
<eco_participation>eco participation</eco_participation>
<unit_vendor>unit for purchase</unit_vendor>
<vat_id>product vat</vat_id>
<cost>cost of purchase</cost>
<weight_kg>weight in weight_kg_unit</weight_kg>
<alert_stock>alert stock for the product</alert_stock>
<total_stock>current total stock</total_stock>
<enter_prices_in_ttc>Should prices be entered in the Tax Incl. format? 0 | 1</enter_prices_in_ttc>
<entered_price_in_ttc>Incl. Tax price that was entered for distributors.</entered_price_in_ttc>
<entered_price_distributor_in_ttc>Price Incl. Tax that was entered for distributors.</entered_price_distributor_in_ttc>
<compound_product>product is made of sub-products? 0 | 1</compound_product>
<compound_product_stock_method>method of stock movements? 0:move products 1:move components</compound_product_stock_method>
<accounting_ref>accounting ref of products</accounting_ref>
<barcode>product barcode</barcode>
<manage_serial_lots>product has lots management</manage_serial_lots>
<manage_serial_lots_out_order>lots ordering (see below)</manage_serial_lots_out_order>
<manage_serial_numbers>product has serial number management</manage_serial_numbers>
<manage_serial_numbers_out_order>serial numbers ordering (see below)</manage_serial_numbers_out_order>
<dimension_height>height of products</dimension_height>
<dimension_width>width of products</dimension_width>
<dimension_depth>depth of product</dimension_depth>
<duration>products required duration</duration>
<duration_unit_id>530=hour | 531=halfday</duration_unit_id>
<volume>volume of units</volume>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A proposal (we call it a proposal sheet
) represents an estimate you make for your prospects and clients.
GET / proposal_sheets.xml
Returns all proposals , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single proposal identified by its id
POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new proposal , and returns the proposaldata
PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing proposal
DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the proposal identified by its id
<proposal_sheet> <id>id of proposal</id> <sheet_type>proposal or other documents (see below)</sheet_type> <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id> <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id> <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id> <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposals</bank_account_id> <reference>reference of proposals (automatic)</reference> <title>title</title> <subtitle>subtitle</subtitle> <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date> <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent> <vat_value_id>VAT code id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_cost>VAT value</vat_cost> <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost> <vat_exl_total>total of proposals without VAT</vat_exl_total> <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total> <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposals without VAT with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping> <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address> <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name> <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code> <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city> <billing_add_country>France</billing_add_country> <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address> <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name> <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code> <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city> <shipping_add_country>France</shipping_add_country> <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party> <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show> <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date> <proposal_lines> <proposal_line> <description>description of line</description> <description_more>more description of line</description_more> <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id> <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price> <quantity>quantity</quantity> <total_price>total line price</total_price> <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>value of VAT</vat_value> <ordering>ordering index</ordering> </proposal_line> </proposal_lines> </proposal_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A sale order (it is a proposal sheet
of a certain kind) represents a sale confirmation to a customer.
GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=sale_order
Returns all sale orders , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single sale order identified by its id
POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new sale order , and returns the sale orderdata
PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing sale order
DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the sale order identified by its id
<proposal_sheet> <id>id of proposal</id> <sheet_type>proposal or other documents (see below)</sheet_type> <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id> <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id> <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id> <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposals</bank_account_id> <reference>reference of proposals (automatic)</reference> <title>title</title> <subtitle>subtitle</subtitle> <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date> <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent> <vat_value_id>VAT code id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_cost>VAT value</vat_cost> <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost> <vat_exl_total>total of proposals without VAT</vat_exl_total> <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total> <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposals without VAT with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping> <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address> <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name> <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code> <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city> <billing_add_country>France</billing_add_country> <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address> <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name> <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code> <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city> <shipping_add_country>France</shipping_add_country> <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party> <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show> <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date> <proposal_lines> <proposal_line> <description>description of line</description> <description_more>more description of line</description_more> <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id> <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price> <quantity>quantity</quantity> <total_price>total line price</total_price> <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>value of VAT</vat_value> <ordering>ordering index</ordering> </proposal_line> </proposal_lines> </proposal_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A customer_pricing
defines a special pricing for a product and a customer
GET / customer_pricings.xml
Returns all customer pricings , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Returns a single customer pricing identified by its id
POST customer_pricings.xml
Creates a new customer pricing , and returns the customer pricingdata
PUT customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing customer pricing
DELETE customer_pricings/#{id}.xml
Deletes the customer pricing identified by its id
<id>id of this object</id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<supplier_id>id of party contact</supplier_firm_id>
<supplier_firm_id>id of party firm</supplier_firm_id>
<price_ht>price without taxes</price_ht>
<vat_id>vat id</vat_id>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A vendor_pricing
defines a special pricing for a product and a vendor
GET / vendor_pricings.xml
Returns all vendor pricings , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Returns a single vendor pricing identified by its id
POST vendor_pricings.xml
Creates a new vendor pricing , and returns the vendor pricingdata
PUT vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing vendor pricing
DELETE vendor_pricings/#{id}.xml
Deletes the vendor pricing identified by its id
<id>id of this object</id>
<customer_product_id>id of product</customer_product_id>
<supplier_id>id of party contact</supplier_firm_id>
<supplier_firm_id>id of party firm</supplier_firm_id>
<price_ht>price without taxes</price_ht>
<vat_id>vat id</vat_id>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
An invoice (we call it a bill sheet
) represents the document your company emits to bill a product or service sale to a customer.
GET / bill_sheets.xml
Returns all invoices , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single invoice identified by its id
POST bill_sheets.xml
Creates a new invoice , and returns the invoicedata
PUT bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing invoice
DELETE bill_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the invoice identified by its id
GET /bill_sheets/email/#{id}.xml
Generates the invoice PDF, and delivers it to the contact email.
curl -u LOGIN:PWD www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/email/
GET /bill_sheets/print/#{id}.xml
Generates the invoice PDF, attaches it to the object, and returns it.
curl -u LOGIN:PWD www.incwo.com/bill_sheets/print/
<bill_sheet> <sheet_type>invoices or credit notes (see below)</sheet_type> <sheet_subtype>0 for invoices or 1 for fees</sheet_subtype> <progress_id>id of bill progress (see below)</progress_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <reference>reference of the invoice (automatic)</reference> <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id> <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id> <title>title of invoice</title> <subtitle>subtitle of invoice</subtitle> <billing_date>billing date (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date> <vat_value_id>VAT code id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_cost>VAT value</vat_cost> <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost> <vat_exl_total>total of invoices without VAT</vat_exl_total> <vat_inc_total>total of the invoice with VAT</vat_inc_total> <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of the invoice without VAT with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping> <bank_account_id>related bank accounts</bank_account_id> <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address> <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name> <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code> <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city> <billing_add_country>billing address country</billing_add_country> <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address> <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name> <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code> <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city> <shipping_add_country>shipping address country</shipping_add_country> <lead_id>related to lead file</lead_id> <projec_id>related to project</projec_id> <reduction_percent>global percent of reduction</reduction_percent> <partial_bill_percent>partial billing (100 for the total bill)</partial_bill_percent> <late_penalty_show>should display a delay penalty (0 or 1)</late_penalty_show> <early_gain_show>should display early payment credit (0 or 1)</early_gain_show> <bill_lines> <bill_line> <description>description of line</description> <description_more>more description of line</description_more> <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id> <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price> <quantity>quantity</quantity> <total_price>total line price</total_price> <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>value of VAT</vat_value> <ordering>ordering index</ordering> </bill_line> </bill_lines> <cash_deposits> <cash_deposit> <kind>type of deposit (see below)</kind> <direction>in | out</direction> <payment_type_info>0</payment_type_info> <payer_staff_id>id of paying staff</payer_staff_id> <bank_reconciled>seen on bank account: 0 | 1</bank_reconciled> <amount_ttc>amount</amount_ttc> <deposit_date_model_id>date calculation model (see below)</deposit_date_model_id> <account_date>date, format: 01-07-2013</account_date> <comments>comments</comments> </cash_deposit> </cash_deposits> </bill_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A cash deposit is a movement of money IN or OUT of your bank account. It’s related to a sale via a bill sheet
, or a purchase via an emitted payment
. It can be a real movement, a movement agreed in sales conditions, or a prevision of the movement.
GET / cash deposits.xml
Returns all cash deposits , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Returns a single cash deposit identified by its id
POST cash deposits.xml
Creates a new cash deposit , and returns the cash depositdata
PUT cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing cash deposit
DELETE cash deposits/#{id}.xml
Deletes the cash deposit identified by its id
<id>the id</id>
<kind>kind of deposit, see values below</kind>
<sheet_name>the type of object this deposit is attached to</sheet_name>
<sheet_id>the id of object this deposit is attached to</sheet_name>
<direction>in | out</direction>
<payment_type_id>mean of payment, see values below</payment_type_id>
<payment_type_info>additional info on payment types (example: check numbers)</payment_type_info>
<payer_staff_id>id of payer staff_member</payer_staff_id>
<bank_reconciled>seen on account? 0 | 1</bank_reconciled>
<contact_id>id of related contact</contact_id>
<firm_id>id of related firms</firm_id>
<amount_ttc>amount with taxes</amount_ttc>
<bank_account_id>ID of bank account</bank_account_id>
<deposit_date_model_id>Date calculation models, see values below.</deposit_date_model_id>
<sheet_reason>Additional info</sheet_reason>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
It contains all your bank information.
GET / bank_accounts.xml
Returns all bank accounts , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single bank account identified by its id
POST bank_accounts.xml
Creates a new bank account , and returns the bank accountdata
PUT bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing bank account
DELETE bank_accounts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the bank account identified by its id
<bank_account> <id>id of this object</id> <name>your name for this bank account</name> <bank_name>name of bank</bank_name> <bank_code>code of bank</bank_code> <bank_desk>number of branches</bank_desk> <bank_account>your account</bank_account> <bank_key>your account key</bank_key> <bank_iban>your account iban code</bank_iban> <bank_bic>your account’s bics code</bank_bic> <bank_dom>name of branch</bank_dom> <street_address>address of branch</street_address> <street_address2>address of branch</street_address2> <zip_code>zip of branch</zip_code> <city>city of branch</city> <country>France</country> </bank_account>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A purchase bill (we call it an emitted payment
) represents the document your company records when purchasing a past or future product or service from a vendor.
GET / emitted_payments.xml
Returns all purchase bills , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Returns a single purchase bill identified by its id
POST emitted_payments.xml
Creates a new purchase bill , and returns the purchase billdata
PUT emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing purchase bill
DELETE emitted_payments/#{id}.xml
Deletes the purchase bill identified by its id
<emitted_payment> <id>id of purchase</id> <title>purchase details</title> <supplier_id>id of attached contact (0 if not attached to contact)</supplier_id> <supplier_firm_id>id of attached firms (0 if not attached to firm)</supplier_firm_id> <supplier_name>name of supplier if not attached</supplier_name> <payment_date>date of purchase commitment (DD-MM-YYYY)</payment_date> <bill_reference>reference of vendor bill</bill_reference> <amount>amount of purchase with VAT</amount> <vat_value_id>VAT id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>VAT value</vat_value> <payed_amount>paid amount today</payed_amount> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> </emitted_payment>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A purchase order (it is a proposal sheet
of a certain kind) represents a purchase order you send to sellers.
GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=purchase_order
Returns all purchase orders , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single purchase order identified by its id
POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new purchase order , and returns the purchase orderdata
PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing purchase order
DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the purchase order identified by its id
<proposal_sheet> <id>id of proposal</id> <sheet_type>proposal or other documents (see below)</sheet_type> <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id> <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id> <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id> <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposals</bank_account_id> <reference>reference of proposals (automatic)</reference> <title>title</title> <subtitle>subtitle</subtitle> <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date> <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent> <vat_value_id>VAT code id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_cost>VAT value</vat_cost> <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost> <vat_exl_total>total of proposals without VAT</vat_exl_total> <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total> <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposals without VAT with shipping</vat_exc_total_with_shipping> <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address> <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name> <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code> <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city> <billing_add_country>France</billing_add_country> <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address> <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name> <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code> <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city> <shipping_add_country>France</shipping_add_country> <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party> <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show> <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date> <proposal_lines> <proposal_line> <description>description of line</description> <description_more>more description of line</description_more> <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id> <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price> <quantity>quantity</quantity> <total_price>total line price</total_price> <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>value of VAT</vat_value> <ordering>ordering index</ordering> </proposal_line> </proposal_lines> </proposal_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A delivery note (it’s a proposal sheet
of some sort) represents a delivery note you make for your and clients.
GET / proposal_sheets.xml ?sheet_type=delivery_note
Returns all delivery notes , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single delivery note identified by its id
POST proposal_sheets.xml
Creates a new delivery note , and returns the delivery notedata
PUT proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing delivery note
DELETE proposal_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the delivery note identified by its id
<proposal_sheet> <id>id of proposal</id> <sheet_type>proposal or other documents (see below)</sheet_type> <progress_id>id of proposal progress (see below)</progress_id> <contact_id>attached to contact id</contact_id> <firm_id>attached to firm id</firm_id> <bank_account_id>id of bank account to display on proposals</bank_account_id> <reference>reference of proposals (automatic)</reference> <title>title</title> <subtitle>subtitle</subtitle> <billing_date>date of proposal (DD-MM-YYYY)</billing_date> <reduction_percent>percentage of reduction</reduction_percent> <vat_value_id>VAT code id (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_cost>VAT value</vat_cost> <shipping_cost>cost of shipping</shipping_cost> <vat_exl_total>total of proposals without VAT</vat_exl_total> <vat_inc_total>total of proposal with vat</vat_inc_total> <vat_exc_total_with_shipping>total of proposals without VAT with shipping </vat_exc_total_with_shipping> <billing_add_street_address>billing street address</billing_add_street_address> <billing_add_name>billing address complement</billing_add_name> <billing_add_zip_code>billing address zip</billing_add_zip_code> <billing_add_city>billing address city</billing_add_city> <billing_add_country>France&</billing_add_country> <shipping_add_street_address>shipping street address</shipping_add_street_address> <shipping_add_name>shipping address complement</shipping_add_name> <shipping_add_zip_code>shipping address zip</shipping_add_zip_code> <shipping_add_city>shipping address city</shipping_add_city> <shipping_add_country>France&</shipping_add_country> <comment_for_party>comment to display for the party</comment_for_party> <party_agreement_text>Text to display in signature box</party_agreement_text> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> <validity_show>show validity date (0 or 1)</validity_show> <validity_date>validity date of proposal</validity_date> <proposal_lines> <proposal_line> <description>description of line</description> <description_more>more description of line</description_more> <customer_product_id>id of product of line</customer_product_id> <unit_price>price per unit</unit_price> <quantity>quantity</quantity> <total_price>total line price</total_price> <vat_value_id>id of vat (see below)</vat_value_id> <vat_value>value of VAT</vat_value> <ordering>ordering index</ordering> </proposal_line> </proposal_lines> </proposal_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.j
A stock movement contains information about the stock movement of a customer product in a warehouse.
GET / stock_movements.xml
Returns all stock movements , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Returns a single stock movement identified by its id
POST stock_movements.xml
Creates a new stock movement , and returns the stock movementdata
PUT stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing stock movement
DELETE stock_movements/#{id}.xml
Deletes the stock movement identified by its id
<id>id of movement</id>
<customer_product_id>id of products</customer_product_id>
<quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
<origin_warehouse_id>id of origin warehouse</origin_warehouse_id>
<destination_warehouse_id>id of destinations</destination_warehouse_id>
<direction>direction, see below</direction>
<moved_at>date moved 06-07-2010-00-00</moved_at>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A serial number is attached to a stock movement and a product and identifies the product uniquely.
GET / serial_numbers.xml
Returns all serial_numbers , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Returns a single serial_number identified by its id
POST serial_numbers.xml
Creates a new serial_number , and returns the serial_numberdata
PUT serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing serial_number
DELETE serial_numbers/#{id}.xml
Deletes the serial_number identified by its id
<id>id of the number</id>
<lot_reference>the serial number</lot_reference>
<stock_movement_id>id of stock movement</stock_movement_id>
<customer_product_id>id of products</customer_product_id>
<warehouse_id>id of warehouse</warehouse_id>
<quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
<direction>see below</direction>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A lot number is attached to a stock movement and a product and identifies the lot the product belongs to.
GET / serial_lots.xml
Returns all serial_lots , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Returns a single serial_lot identified by its id
POST serial_lots.xml
Creates a new serial_lot , and returns the serial_lotdata
PUT serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing serial_lot
DELETE serial_lots/#{id}.xml
Deletes the serial_lot identified by its id
<id>id of the lot</id>
<lot_reference>reference of the lot</lot_reference>
<stock_movement_id>id of stock movement</stock_movement_id>
<customer_product_id>id of products</customer_product_id>
<warehouse_id>id of warehouse</warehouse_id>
<quantity>quantity moved</quantity>
<direction>see below</direction>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A project is one of the big topics of your company daily activity.
GET / projects.xml
Returns all projects , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / projects/#{id}.xml
Returns a single project identified by its id
POST projects.xml
Creates a new project , and returns the projectdata
PUT projects/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing project
DELETE projects/#{id}.xml
Deletes the project identified by its id
<project> <id>id of this object</id> <name>project’s name</name> <reference>a reference of the project</reference> <description></description> <status_id>status (see below)</status_id> <budget_euros>cost budget in euros</budget_euros> <budget_hours>time budget in hours</budget_hours> <budget_halfdays>time budget in hours</budget_halfdays> <start_date>start date</start_date> <end_date>end date</end_date> </project>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A task is a to-do item.
GET / tasks.xml
Returns all tasks , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / tasks/#{id}.xml
Returns a single task identified by its id
POST tasks.xml
Creates a new task , and returns the taskdata
PUT tasks/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing task
DELETE tasks/#{id}.xml
Deletes the task identified by its id
<task> <id>id of the task</id> <title>title</title> <content>content</content> <type_id>importance id (see below)</type_id> <service_id>service id (see below)</service_id> <status_id>status id (see below)</status_id> <priority_id>priority id (see below)</priority_id> <assigned_user_id>id of user to which the task is assigned</assigned_user_id> <project_id>id of the project this task belongs to</project_id> <due_at>due date</due_at> <done_at>date at which the task was terminated</done_at> <object_name>name of object to which the task is attached (if any)</object_name> <object_zid>id of the object to which the task is attached (if any)</object_zid> </task>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A timesheet contains indication of time spend on what.
GET / timesheets.xml
Returns all timesheets , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / timesheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single timesheet identified by its id
POST timesheets.xml
Creates a new timesheet , and returns the timesheetdata
PUT timesheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing timesheet
DELETE timesheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the timesheet identified by its id
<timesheet> <id>id of this object</id> <period>month it is related to (date format)</period> <user_id>user it is related to</user_id> <status_id>time sheet status (see below)</status_id> <validated_at>date of validation</validated_at> <validator_id>user who validated the time sheet</validator_id> <unit>time units (see below)</unit> <timesheet_lines> <timesheet_line> <user_id>user it is related to</user_id> <branch_id>service it is related to (see below)</branch_id> <day>day of month</day> <duration>duration in the time unit of the time sheet</duration> <description>description</description> <comment>additional comments</comment> <lead_id>id of related lead</lead_id> <project_id>id of related projects</project_id> </timesheet_line> </timesheet_lines> </timesheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A timesheet contains indication of time spend on what.
GET / timesheet_lines.xml
Returns all timesheet lines , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Returns a single timesheet line identified by its id
POST timesheet_lines.xml
Creates a new timesheet line , and returns the timesheet linedata
PUT timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing timesheet line
DELETE timesheet_lines/#{id}.xml
Deletes the timesheet line identified by its id
<id>id of this</id>
<timesheet_id>id of the parent timesheet</timesheet_id>
<user_id>id of attached user</user_id>
<bookable_id>id of attached bookable</bookable_id>
<object_zname>class of attached object</object_zname>
<object_zid>id of attached object</object_zid>
<day>day in month</day>
<day_date>full date</day_date>
<all_day>all day ? 0 or 1</all_day>
<duration>duration related to unit</duration>
<cash_cost_per_unit>cost for duration unit</cash_cost_per_unit>
<begin_hour>start hour</begin_hour>
<end_hour>end hour</end_hour>
<notif_should>should notif when date arrives ? 0 or 1</notif_should>
<description>Time description</description>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A staff_member
is an employee, past or present, of your company.
GET / staff_members.xml
Returns all staff members , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / staff_members/#{id}.xml
Returns a single staff member identified by its id
POST staff_members.xml
Creates a new staff member , and returns the staff memberdata
PUT staff_members/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing staff member
DELETE staff_members/#{id}.xml
Deletes the staff member identified by its id
<staff_member> <id>id of this object</id> <user_id>id of the user related to this staff_member, if any</user_id> <civility_label_id>civility (see below)</civility_label_id> <first_name>first name of staff</first_name> <last_name>last name of staff</last_name> <birth_date>date of birth</birth_date> <birth_city>city of birth</birth_city> <birth_country_id>France (name, not id)</birth_country_id> <nationality_country_id>France (name, not id)</nationality_country_id> <address>address</address> <city>city</city> <zip>zip</zip> <s_security_nb>social security number</s_security_nb> <arrival_date>date of arrival in the company</arrival_date> <departure_date>date of departure in the company (if any)</departure_date> <job_label>name of the job</job_label> <job_description>description of the job (several lines)</job_description> <rank>rank of the job</rank> <job_level>level of the job</job_level> <job_qualification>qualification of the job</job_qualification> <email>contact email</email> <comment>comment</comment> <family_situation_id>id of family situation (see below)</family_situation_id> <salary>raw salary perceived per year</salary> <category>category of worker (employee, intern, etc.)</category> <time_conditions>work hours</time_conditions> <contract_type>type of contract</contract_type> <cdi>1 if the work contract if unlimited duration contract</cdi> <transportation>detail of transportation gratification</transportation> <work_contract>content of work contract</work_contract> <doc_work_contract>1 if work contract is stored</doc_work_contract> <doc_id>1 if copy of identification card is stored</doc_id> <doc_social_card>1 if copy of social information is stored</doc_social_card> <rib_bank>bank info: banks</rib_bank> <rib_sub>bank info: bank branch</rib_sub> <rib_account>bank info: account number</rib_account> <rib_key>bank info: key</rib_key> </staff_member>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
A month of salary ( salary_campaigns
) contains the list of salaries paid to each employee this month.
GET / salary_campaigns.xml
Returns all month of salaries , page by page
Add a page
parameter to navigate
GET / salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Returns a single month of salary identified by its id
POST salary_campaigns.xml
Creates a new month of salary , and returns the month of salarydata
PUT salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing month of salary
DELETE salary_campaigns/#{id}.xml
Deletes the month of salary identified by its id
<salary_campaign> <id>id of this object</id> <status_id>status of this month (see below)</status_id> <period>month for this (a date)</period> <salaries> <salary> <staff_member_id>id of staff</staff_member_id> <base_salary>base salary paid this month</base_salary> <base_salary_is_net>1 if base salary is net</base_salary_is_net> <result_bonus>result bonuses paid this month</result_bonus> <result_bonus_is_net>1 if bonus is net</result_bonus_is_net> <exceptional_bonus>exceptional bonuses paid this month</exceptional_bonus> <exceptional_bonus_is_net>1 if exceptional bonus is net</exceptional_bonus_is_net> <vacation_days_nb>number of days of vacation this month</vacation_days_nb> <recup_days_nb>number of days of rest this month</recup_days_nb> <recup_gained_days>number of days of rest gained this month</recup_gained_days> <RTT_employee_nb>number of days of employee rtt this month</RTT_employee_nb> <RTT_employer_nb>number of days of employer recuperation of work time this month</RTT_employer_nb> <RTT_gained_days>number of days of gained days of recuperation of work time this month</RTT_gained_days> <vacation_gained_days>number of days of vacation gained this month</vacation_gained_days> <sickness_days_nb>number of days of sickness this month</sickness_days_nb> <absence_days_nb>number of days of absence this month</absence_days_nb> <comment></comment> <insurance>1 if employee has social insurance this month</insurance> <arrival_day>day of arrival in the month, if in the month</arrival_day> <departure_day>day of departure in the month, if in the month</departure_day> <meal_tickets_nb>number of meal tickets this month</meal_tickets_nb> <commute_zones_nb>number of transport zones</commute_zones_nb> </salary> </salaries> </salary_campaign>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
It’s a request from an employee for days of vacations or absences.
GET / vacation_requests.xml
Returns all vacation requests , page by page
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parameter to navigate
GET / vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Returns a single vacation request identified by its id
POST vacation_requests.xml
Creates a new vacation request , and returns the vacation requestdata
PUT vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing vacation request
DELETE vacation_requests/#{id}.xml
Deletes the vacation request identified by its id
<vacation_request> <id>id of this object</id> <status_id>status of requests (see below)</status_id> <staff_member_id>id of the staff member</staff_member_id> <start_date>first day of absence</start_date> <stop_date>day of return</stop_date> <duration>number of days of absence</duration> <vacation_type_id>type of absence (see below)</vacation_type_id> </vacation_request>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
It’s a payment made by an employee on the payroll, for a purpose serving the company. This payment will be reimbursed by the company to the employee.
GET / expense_sheets.xml
Returns all expenses , page by page
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parameter to navigate
GET / expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Returns a single expense identified by its id
POST expense_sheets.xml
Creates a new expense , and returns the expensedata
PUT expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing expense
DELETE expense_sheets/#{id}.xml
Deletes the expense identified by its id
<expense_sheet> <id>id of this object</id> <staff_member_id>id of staff members for this expense sheet</staff_member_id> <vehicule_fiscal_power>fiscal power of employees vehicles</vehicule_fiscal_power> <period>month for this expense sheet (a date)</period> <advance_amount>advance amount paid to employees</advance_amount> <status_id>status of expense (see below)</status_id> <submission_date>date of submission of sheet</submission_date> <validator_id>user id of validator</validator_id> <validated_at>date of validation</validated_at> <expense_lines> <expense_line> <day>day in the month</day> <description>description of this</description> <type_id>type of expense (see below)</type_id> <amount>value including tax</amount> <tva_pct>VAT id (see below)</tva_pct> </expense_line> </expense_lines> </expense_sheet>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
An interview contains the data related to the interview of a candidate for a job you offer.
GET / interviews.xml
Returns all interviews , page by page
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parameter to navigate
GET / interviews/#{id}.xml
Returns a single interview identified by its id
POST interviews.xml
Creates a new interview , and returns the interviewdata
PUT interviews/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing interview
DELETE interviews/#{id}.xml
Deletes the interview identified by its id
<interview> <id>id of this object</id> <interview_date>date of this interview</interview_date> <candidate_ref>reference of the candidate</candidate_ref> <target_job>expected position</target_job> <staff_member_id>staff member id of the interviewer</staff_member_id> <candidate_information>candidate has been informed or answer (see below)</candidate_information> <candidate_information_answer>comments on the candidate's information</candidate_information_answer> <candidate_motivation>does the candidate look motivated?</candidate_motivation> <candidate_origin>who referred the candidate?</candidate_origin> <candidate_training>education of the candidate</candidate_training> <candidate_availability>when is the candidate available?</candidate_availability> <is_objectif_oriented>is the candidate objective oriented?</is_objectif_oriented> <is_organized>is the candidate organized?</is_organized> <is_experienced>is the candidate experienced?</is_experienced> <is_organized>is the candidate organized?</is_organized> <is_rigorous>is the candidate rigorous?</is_rigorous> <is_with_initiative>does the candidate show initiative?</is_with_initiative> <is_polyvalent>is the candidate skilful?</is_polyvalent> <is_influent>is the candidate influent?</is_influent> <is_self_conscious>is the candidate self-conscious?</is_self_conscious> <is_analytical>is the candidate analytical?</is_analytical> <is_sales_oriented>is the candidate sales oriented?</is_sales_oriented> <is_competent>is the candidate competent?</is_competent> <is_potential_employee>does the candidate have the potential to become an employee?</is_potential_employee> <is_potential_manager>does the candidate have the potential to become a Manager?</is_potential_manager> <is_ok_wordprocessor>is the candidate OK with word processing tools?</is_ok_wordprocessor> <is_ok_spreadsheed>is the candidate OK with spreadsheet tools?</is_ok_spreadsheed> <is_ok_slideshow>is the candidate OK with presentation tools?</is_ok_slideshow> <is_ok_internetsearch>is the candidate capable of doing internet search?</is_ok_internetsearch> <is_ok_spelling>is the candidate’s spelling OK?</is_ok_spelling> <is_language1_fluent>is the candidate fluent in another language 1?</is_language1_fluent> <is_language2_fluent>is the candidate fluent in another language 2?</is_language2_fluent> <proof_objectif_oriented>description of proof of objective orientation</proof_objectif_oriented> <proof_organized>description of proof of organization</proof_organized> <proof_experienced>description of proof of experience</proof_experienced> <proof_rigorous>description of proof of rigor</proof_rigorous> <proof_with_initiative>description of proof of initiatives</proof_with_initiative> <proof_polyvalent>description of proof of polyvalence</proof_polyvalent> <proof_influent>description of proof of influence</proof_influent> <proof_self_conscious>description of proof of self-consciousness</proof_self_conscious> <proof_analytical>description of proof of analytical skills</proof_analytical> <proof_sales_oriented>description of proof of sales orientation</proof_sales_oriented> <proof_competent>description of proof of competency</proof_competent> <proof_potential_employee>why is the candidate a potential employee</proof_potential_employee> <proof_potential_manager>why is the candidate a potential Manager</proof_potential_manager> <proof_ok_wordprocessor>description of proof of word processing skills</proof_ok_wordprocessor> <proof_ok_spreadsheed>description of proof of spreadsheet skills</proof_ok_spreadsheed> <proof_ok_slideshow>description of proof of presentation software skills</proof_ok_slideshow> <proof_ok_internetsearch>description of proof of internet search skills</proof_ok_internetsearch> <proof_ok_spelling>description of proof of good spelling</proof_ok_spelling> <proof_language1_fluent>first language</proof_language1_fluent> <proof_language2_fluent>second language</proof_language2_fluent> <would_hire>1 if you would hire the candidate</would_hire> <why_would_hire>reasons why would hire</why_would_hire> <comments></comments> </interview>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
It’s a piece of text of interest for your business.
GET / notes.xml
Returns all notes , page by page
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parameter to navigate
GET / notes/#{id}.xml
Returns a single note identified by its id
POST notes.xml
Creates a new note , and returns the notedata
PUT notes/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing note
DELETE notes/#{id}.xml
Deletes the note identified by its id
<note> <id>id of this object</id> <title>title</title> <content>content</content> <type_id>type of note (see below)</type_id> <object_name>name of owner object (example 'proposal_sheets')</object_name> <object_zid>id of owners object</object_zid> <link_text>the name of a link related to the note</link_text> <link_url>the link related to the note</link_url> </note>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
An upload_file
is a file located on our servers. This file can be attached to nothing, or to any object of your application.
GET / upload_files.xml
Returns all files , page by page
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parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / upload_files/#{id}.xml
Returns a single file identified by its id
POST upload_files.xml
Creates a new file , and returns the filedata
PUT upload_files/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing file
DELETE upload_files/#{id}.xml
Deletes the file identified by its id
<upload_file> <id>id of this object</id> <upload_file_name>name of the file</upload_file_name> <object_zname>name of the object it is attached to, if any</object_zname> <object_zid>id of the object it is attached to, if any</object_zid> <upload_file_size>size in octets of the file</upload_file_size> <upload_file_description>user description</upload_file_description> <file_data>file content bytes (alternative 1)</file_data> <file_data_in_base64>file content bytes encoded in base64 (alternative 2)</file_data_base64> </upload_file>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
Save in contracts
all the information regarding contracts that you have signed: vendors, customers, etc.
GET / contracts.xml
Returns all contracts , page by page
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parameter to navigate
GET / contracts/#{id}.xml
Returns a single contract identified by its id
POST contracts.xml
Creates a new contract , and returns the contractdata
PUT contracts/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing contract
DELETE contracts/#{id}.xml
Deletes the contract identified by its id
<contract> <signing_date>signing date</signing_date> <title>title</title> <party>name of signing party</party> <staff_member_id>id of signing staff</staff_member_id> <begin_date>date of beginning of contract</begin_date> <end_date>date of termination of contract</end_date> <renew_date>date of the renewal of contract</renew_date> <reference>reference</reference> </contract>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
Custom labels are lists that you customize for several usage in your application
GET / custom_labels.xml
Returns all custom labels , page by page
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parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
GET / custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Returns a single custom label identified by its id
POST custom_labels.xml
Creates a new custom label , and returns the custom labeldata
PUT custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Updates some fields of an existing custom label
DELETE custom_labels/#{id}.xml
Deletes the custom label identified by its id
<id>the id</id>
<label_type>type of label</label_type>
<long_label>readable value of label</long_label>
<more_info>more info on label</more_info>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
GET / webhooks.xml
Returns all webhooks , page by page
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parameter to navigate
<id>id of object</id>
<active>active ? 0 | 1</active>
<object_zname>related to object</object_zname>
<object_action>action ? create | update | fupdate | destroy</object_action>
<turl>your url</turl>
Find here the list of actions to apply on the objects, and the data reference for this object.
GET / webhook_calls.xml
Returns all webhook_calls , page by page
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parameter to navigate
Add these parameters to GET to narrow selection.
<id>id of object</id>
<webhook_id>id of webhook</webhook_id>
<called_at>date of call</called_at>
<last_result>http result code</last_result>
<duration_ms>duration in ms</duration_ms>
<object_zid>incwo id of related object</object_zid>
<object_zname>incwo type of related object</object_zname>
<object_action>ation ? create | update | fupdate | destroy</object_action>
<json_data>data sent to webhook</json_data>